I think it looks solid, I would only take out the fats in your first solid meal PWO. Put those fats in the following meal. Looks good tho. Very similar to mine…
[quote]hexx wrote:
Ditch the almonds and PB following training. Experiment with some more natural starches.
Casein before bed.
Ditch the mozzarella in favor of some almonds or walnuts you love.
i eat almond and peanut butter about 6 hour after training…
and i’m a real peanut butter addict i’ve been eating a 1kg jar every week for the last 5 years and i eat a LOT of almonds. I eat it for for the good fat rather than for the starches and peanut butter contain dextrose and maltodextrin so it create a insulin spike that lead to better absorbtion of fats and proteins
whats your favorite natural starches source?
I used to eat cottage chesse before bed but thought that it could interfer with glutamine and ZMA absortion and still can’t stand the texture… so i think that casein is a really good alternative
whats wromg with mozarella?
When do you think is the best time to take the Vitamin C.?
does 500mg is a good dosage?
when do you think is the best time to take fish oil?
The sweet potato was me working on the basis that you were trying to gain mass, but its not needed in your current plan.
in fact your current plan would be exactly what id do for a clean muscle maintain / fat loss