need some help on what to do next as i see myself at a crossroads and would like some advice from those whove been in my predicament. my main goal is to get the most effective and efficient results from my cycle. more specifically, my END goal is a body comp overhaul…the same as everyone else here…gain as much muscle as possible whilst losing as much fat as possible.
the problem is, i dont know where to go from here…ive put on a good solid 10 lbs in the past couple of months of LBM whilst losing 1.5" of fat from my midsection.
things have been going well enough, but ive not stalled in the past couple of weeks, and the only culprit i can think of is my diet.
ive been living a low carb style, and have been consuming 60/20/20 P/F/C of 3k cal of clean eating for the past half year. id say that was sufficient for my 5’ 10" 195 lb frame at about 15% BF. but ive been reading ALOT lately and now am at a loss of where to go from here.
should i up my carbs cause ive incorporated tren ace? should i try the anabolic diet by dipasquale? should i try low fat? i just dont know…
i am pretty sure i should definitely bulk first in order to get the most out of my cycle, but what nutrition guideline should i follow to get optimal results? heres my thoughts:
next two weeks: maintenance phase of anabolic diet
six weeks(at the end of six weeks my cycle will be tapered off): bulk using the anabolic diet
eight-twelve weeks after that(post cycle): cutting using the anabolic diet.
any advice on my plan would be appreciated. would the anabolic diet complement the cycle? or should i just keep going on with the macro ratios ive been using and just raise calories? as you can see…i am paranoid about carbs as i want as little of fat accumulation during my bulk, but if its prudent to up the carbs during a cycle, then i’d do what needs to be done.
any help/advice/thoughts would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
I would suggest that you share some absolute values of caloric intake, not just percentages. Then you might get some helpful advice if you’re lucky. If you’re unlucky, you will be told that you are posting in the wrong forum and that this belongs in nutrition.
I’m guessing that if your breakdown is 60/20/20:P/F/C, you are not getting enough calories.
[quote]tribeoner wrote:
sure…its posted in my op. 3000 cal. i figured id post in this forum as the biggest component is the cycle. thanks.[/quote]
As I suspected, you are not consuming enough calories to grow. At 195 pounds, I think that you need to consume at least 3500 just to maintain your weight. I’m surprised you’re not LOSING weight at 3000!
i was thinking that…but as a FFB, i am very wary of putting on extra bf with the LM, but according to dipasquale, it says for maintenance my cal intake should be 3500…which i plan to start with for the startup phase if i do decide to try the anabolic diet. has anyone had a successful bulk on the anabolic diet while on cycle? TIA
[quote]tribeoner wrote:
i was thinking that…but as a FFB, i am very wary of putting on extra bf with the LM, but according to dipasquale, it says for maintenance my cal intake should be 3500…which i plan to start with for the startup phase if i do decide to try the anabolic diet. has anyone had a successful bulk on the anabolic diet while on cycle? TIA[/quote]
Yes I put on a crap load of muscle on the anabolic diet both on and off cycle, but I was a little careless and put on a lot fat too…
Hagar, are you still on the AD right now? I just finished reading 380 pages in the first thread! haha, I saw a lot of you post and they were very helpful. Thanks man
Can’t say about ON cycle, but the AD is an amazing diet, both cutting and building. The good DR. also asserts that it works even better ON (as if that were not obvious) due to the synergistic affects between the reported hormone changes on the AD and AAS affects including nitrogen retention.
Besides, it is a lot easier imo to eat eight ounces of cheese and get 880 kcals then eating three dry cups of oats for equal kcals, (i.e. I find it easier to eat more kcals total, which is always beneficial On or off AAS).