I have some questions that I really hope gets some answers,
because I`m confused.
First off, in general I have been following a diet lower on the carb side for some time. I did this mostly because I sure as hell thought
I had really bad tolerance for carbs. Well, after a pretty sedentary year
with lots of bad carbs, and no really significant fat gain, I am starting
to think I may not be that carbintolerant after all.
So I was just wondering:
Is there any way of finding out for sure if you are carb tolerant?
Im saying this because I just started a diet for fatloss, and during the first three days I had really bad hunger pangs, a constant headache and was always hungry and thirsty. And bam! On wednesday after my PWO carbs, I felt perfectly fine again. I know this can also happen if my body hasnt adapted to burning fat.
It would be nice if someone could give me some input on this.
You can find out through experimentation – and you clearly found out your answer. You should probably keep carbs in your diet, just lower your calories. Try 40-30-30 (carbs-pro-fat) and see if you can keep losing weight.
Talk to a Poliquin Biosigsignature qualified trainer as they can take specific readings telling you how carb tolerant you are.
For example the supra-illiac is a sign of insulin levels so a high reading here would show elevated levels meaning you could be pre-diabetic. The subscapularis shows your genetic profile and this will also give an indication of how carb tolerant you are.