Nutbar on the Treadmill

[quote]AngryVader wrote:
roybot wrote:
She just realizes the importance of training for “real life situations”. In this case, she is building up enough functional strength to hit the dancefloor on the weekends.

Exactly, this is ‘real world’ cardio. This is why I like to eat slices of pizza when I’m on the treadmill. That carries over to my real life. Eating pizza is much less difficult than it used to be.


Your post made my day (yes,I’ve had a very boring day).

[quote]Rach2784 wrote:
Haha, I think I would fall off the treadmill laughing if I was watching that.

It’s better than the guy I saw at my gym last week. He was literally walking at a zero incline at 0.5 mph. Have you tried walking that slow on treadmill? You have to pretty much force yourself to walk that slow. He wasn’t overly fat or anything, and didn’t appear to have any type of medical condition that would prohibit more activity.

I wanted to go smack him in the face like they do on V-8 commercials.
Geez the 495 lb. kid on the Biggest Loser could move faster than that.[/quote]

Thats conditioning for Tia Chi.

I think everyone has at least one person at their gym who is a little odd.

Do you live in Japan? Those people looked Japanese. The view outside the window looked like Japan also. When I lived there, I never failed to be surprised by the idiotic sh*t I saw in the gym.

<I see the poster of the video lives in Taiwan, another place I have been to where people do random stuff>

[quote]AngryVader wrote:

Exactly, this is ‘real world’ cardio. This is why I like to eat slices of pizza when I’m on the treadmill. That carries over to my real life. Eating pizza is much less difficult than it used to be.

Hehe! Has your metabolism has become ‘pizza adapted’ (like ‘fat adapted’ but tastier)? I guess that means that your digestive system has only been conditioned to cope with pizza, and you are cursed to eat it for the rest of your life. That’s a heavy burden for one man to bear. My condolences :slight_smile:

Seriously though, I wouldn’t have been able to be on one of the treadmills next to her without laughing, which would have caused me to fall off and made for an even funnier video.[/quote]

If I found myself on a treadmill next to her, I would be genuinely in fear of my life. There is a definite ‘serial-killer-in-waiting’ vibe to her. Terrifying and yet strangely compelling.

I think she’s training to hook up with this guy:

It kicks off at around the 1:24 mark.

P.S. If you have a refined ear for music, it may be advisable to turn the volume down on this one…

Now that I think about it, I sure as hell hope no one is sitting around filming me while I train. With my headphones on max volume, I am prone to severe head nods while holding the facial expression of a serial killing hitman sizing up his next victim.

Camera phones are the devil.

[quote]Nards wrote:
I caught this idiot today at my gym. I’ve seen her a few times before. A buddy of mine that’s seen her told me that she’ll sometimes turn on 4 or 5 treadmills at once and literally hop from one to the other…all set at 1.0 KPH. Oh…the music doesn’t help either.

Nutbar On The Treadmill! - YouTube [/quote]

That has to be a joke, I can’t imagine her walking in “Alright, I’m ready for my walkdancecardio routine, here we go…”. On a completely unrelated note, here is the better Technoviking version.

This here is sexsay!!!

That would be way more fun than just walking.

Watch, she create a program do an infomercal and make millions.

[quote]imhungry wrote:
This here is sexsay!!!

fat girl on treadmill - YouTube [/quote]

That is Grand Master Sexsay!

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Now that I think about it, I sure as hell hope no one is sitting around filming me while I train. With my headphones on max volume, I am prone to severe head nods while holding the facial expression of a serial killing hitman sizing up his next victim.

Camera phones are the devil.[/quote]

Yeah, but they keep homicidal BART cops of the street.

[quote]imhungry wrote:
This here is sexsay!!!

fat girl on treadmill - YouTube [/quote]

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth…

For the original post…that was so RAD! She’s got mad treadmill dancing skillz!

I’ll try the ‘running man,’ tomorrow and see what happens…

[quote]mom-in-MD wrote:
imhungry wrote:
This here is sexsay!!!

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth…

For the original post…that was so RAD! She’s got mad treadmill dancing skillz!

I’ll try the ‘running man,’ tomorrow and see what happens…[/quote]

I’ve done some pretty stupid things at the gym. I was finished my workout once, and I had a great run. Then out of nowhere some lame dance song came out and I busted out doin some shuffling and into the running man. I made an ass out of myself, but it’s now famous across the gym.

Being stupid is great sometimes

There was a chick at my old gym who used to sit on a bosu ball and proceed to pelvic thrust the everloving dog snot out of it. Picture Quagmire doing his giggity dance X 100. She also had great, and I mean fantastic boobs.


That has to be a joke, I can’t imagine her walking in “Alright, I’m ready for my walkdancecardio routine, here we go…”. On a completely unrelated note, here is the better Technoviking version.

TECHNOVIKING! (Captioned) - YouTube [/quote]

lol, that’s pretty epic right there.

that is absolutely hilarious!

That was actually pretty cool

[quote]AngryVader wrote:
imhungry wrote:
This here is sexsay!!!

That is Grand Master Sexsay![/quote]

I’m amazed she didn’t start a fire with her legs.

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
AngryVader wrote:
imhungry wrote:
This here is sexsay!!!

That is Grand Master Sexsay!

I’m amazed she didn’t start a fire with her legs.[/quote]

Oh there’s definitely a fire between those legs.

While I do agree that there are probably a few screws lose, what she is doing is not THAT bad.

Cardio is awesome, but running fucking sucks. Its boring, repetitive, and aside from the occasional “a fucking grizzly bear is chasing me” sprint, it has no real world application.

So rather than cranking the speed up and training like a faster hamster, she decided to dance like an absolute whackjob. But to her that probably has some application: maybe she regularly gets down in the club to Barbie Girl, or maybe she just can’t stand the monotony of doing the same thing over and over again and just needs to dance in order to make it bearable.

While I don’t spaz like a retarded gorilla when I run, I do like to modify my steady state cardio so that it has an application to what I do. Rather than run, I strafe side to side with my hands in a defensive posture and toss in the occasional sprawl. To someone who doesn’t understand or appreciate my sport, I probably look just as ridiculous.

With all of that said, I still found it to be hilarious and Im looking forward to the next installment!