I’m currently taking 120mg of T ethanate divided in 2 doses a week (60mg Mon & 60mg Thursday) and .125 mg of anastrozole 1/week. I’ve been on this protocol for 12 weeks and not liking the results.
Currently my libido is nonexistent, not feeling good overall (low drive, lacking confidence, etc.)
Is there anything that stands out as possibly needing improvement in my recent bloodwork?
Try dropping the anastrozole first. Many people are sensitive to it, and also many people need a higher than range E2 when their androgen levels are high.
I take 200mg of test a week when on TRT only. I had the same feelings as u till I started micro dosing daily. I use 1/7th of a 1cc bottle in a 1/2" insulin needle in the delt every morning. Has made a huge difference. I only keep the anastrozole on hand for when I feel I need it like something anit right. Bottoming out your Estro. With the anastrozole Can be worse then it being high, knock libedo and function straight into the dirt
I appreciate all the feedback. It seems my initial thought of increasing my weekly dose is a good call.
I’m going to bump it up to 150mg/week and give that a few months.