North Carolina Bans Gay Marriage

Inb4 flame war.


Give em time.

As much as I’m against the government defining marriage, they didn’t ban gay marriage. They simply defined what marriage is. The headline could as truthfully read, “NC bans marrying aliens from the planet Omicron Persei 8”.

Unfortunately as I read it…it also bans civil unions for both gay and straight couples.

I believe that is a mistake.

[quote]UtahLama wrote:
Unfortunately as I read it…it also bans civil unions for both gay and straight couples.

I believe that is a mistake.[/quote]

Correct, gay marriage was already illegal in the state so all this law really did was ban civil unions which will affect more straight people than anyone else. Also a majority of the people who voted for this amendment were unaware of what it really did, kind of funny I think.