Normal test low Estradiol "gyno

I’ve been on Test for over 8 years , I’ve had some minor side effects , moody , sleep apnea etc . I tried Pellets for about 2 years , I did not feel good on them so I switched back to injections about 6 months ago . after about the third week I started having aching and itching in my chest ,after about a month it got worse . doctor gave me an AI for a month . it helped a little but it did not dry up . I have been to a endocrinologist , and a urologists’ fyi

"current testosterone dose is 50mg twice a week " of 200 mg/ml cypionate

I had labs done , total Test was 955 , free 19.4, Estradiol was low at 5. I was taking anastrozole . Anyway Im still having gyno and its getting worse , my estradiol has never been above 25 and my test has been steady in the high 900’s.

Has anyone had this issue , Normal T and Low E causing gyno .

also Im having other symptoms as well, fatigue , mood swings , hard to focus , bad memory , loss of confidence , low libido , Dry skin .

What does this mean? Do you feel an actual lump forming?

You killed your e2 so estrogen likely isn’t the problem. Non existent estradiol can cause the symptoms you mentioned - fatigue , mood swings, hard to focus , bad memory, loss of confidence, low libido…

Did they perhaps suggest you drop the AI to recover your estradiol and instead take something like Tamoxifen or Raloxifen that will directly combat existing and forming gyno?

Have they checked your prolactin levels?
Did they suggest getting a mammogram or ultrasound?


My prolactin was good, but my Progesterone Is low at a 10 it says normal range is 25 to 199 ,the symptoms of low progestogen are dead on to my symptoms . I am seeing my doctor today . Ive seen 2 doctors and no one seems to be worried or even think this is a big deal , even though I’m extremely uncomfortable and obviously growing on my chest etc .

Progesterone is a precursor to testosterone, so it’s normal for men on TRT to have low levels of this (just as with low levels of LH and FSH). It’s unlikely your symptoms are due to this, but still good to consult with your doctor and get to the bottom of your issues.
I agree with Rusty_Hammer that your symptoms are most likely due to low estrogen levels. Estrogen is important for libido, joints, tendons, and ligaments, and cardiovascular and neuro protection. Low level symptoms are similar to high level symptoms: fatigue, poor cognition, etc.
You should aim for TRT dosing levels that don’t require use of an AI.
Good luck!

Thanks for your time …the biggest issue I’ve been having is gyno , a hour or two after I inject my chest swells and aches , itches etc …

my doctor told me to up my test to .60 twice an week and take have of a anastrozole every other day . Im feeling better but still having chest growth , no lumps , its more fat than anything, but it they both ache , its really weird because all my doctors are saying my labs are good . Im starting feel like im doing something wrong , but I have been on test for 8 years , I have never had any chest growth or pain etc .

That’s not gyno. It may be water retention, could cause the “ache” and swelling.