Anyone else get this?
Last week, just as i was finishing up a Methyltrienolone (oral tren) cylce (damn that shit packs a punch!) as feeling a million dollars.
Ofcourse the oral tren was almost TOO much to handle emotionally, in that i felt extremely on edge (although incredibly aweseome at the same time). Also got mad insomnia even though i took last dose well before bedtime.
BUT - now using nolvadex/tamoxifen for PCT and its like all of a sudden a grey cloud has fallen over me.
I start to feel soooo depressed for no reason, and just want to cry
So fucking gay.
My girl broke-up (ish) with me, but while i was on the oral tren - I COULDN’T GIVE A FUCK - i just put all my energy into other girls (fucking the pain away!).
But now, i keep thinking not just about her, and getting all sad - but stressing about ALL my reltionships, and making my self sad an lethargic for no reason.
This ALWAYS happens to me just a couple of days of using Tamoxifen (sometimes the same day). I get like a bitch on her period.
One of the functions of estrogen (as it acts on the brain) i think is to concern your thoughts with more social activities - and relationships. That and where you fit in with people etc… It can also make you depressed easy - which is why depression is FAR more prevalent amongst women than men.
Does anyone else get tamoxifen depression?
It’s getting so bad that i just wanna get back on the oral tren (where i felt invincible! hehe - also on a load of dopamine stimulants)
I think i’ll try clomiphene now for my next PCT. I’ve had clomid experience before, but i was too “Green” to understand whether it was having an emotional affect on me.
Anyone else suffer from tamoxifen depression? Let’s have a support group!