Nolva AND Clomid?

Hey guys, I’m being a douche and posting something something related to my last thread on PCT.

A guy on here gave me some great advice, but after reading damn near everything I can on PCT (Obviously not enough, hence this thread) I am in need of advice.

It seems a large amount of people suggest running both Clomid and Nolvadex during their PCT, however, the advice (and I dont want to seem like I dont appreciate the advice was given, I just want my dick to work) I was given was that I should run a nolva only (along with other things) PCT without clomid.

What are everyones thoughts on this? Should I run just the nolva, or add in the clomid as well?

Link to my last thread: HCG/PCT - Is it Too Late? - Pharma - Forums - T Nation

Sorry I usually take time to write out these threads but I’ve been starring at my computer for 4 hours trying to figure this shit out and its getting to me.

Thanks ahead.

I combine nolva and clomid. I do 5 weeks of clomid, then in my third week of clomid I add in 20mg of nolva for 3 weeks.

I also start using stinging nettle extract at about the same time as the nolva.

My PCTs are the bomb

[quote]Yogi wrote:
I combine nolva and clomid. I do 5 weeks of clomid, then in my third week of clomid I add in 20mg of nolva for 3 weeks.

I also start using stinging nettle extract at about the same time as the nolva.

My PCTs are the bomb[/quote]

Thanks for the reply, Yogi. What dosages do you use? Im starting to lean more towards using the clomid as well…

Since I’ve been on for close to 6 months… I plan on extending my PCT to 12 weeks.

50mg clomid, 20mg nolva.

That’s a long time to be on, man. You’re going to need a pretty aggressive PCT.

If I were you I’d taper my test dosage down slowly, blasting some hCG as I was doing so. Taper your AI down too while you’re doing that. The last week you inject test (which’d only be like 100mg that week) start the clomid at 50mg/day, so you’re starting the clomid before the test clears completely.

Then you’ll need at least another 4 weeks of clomid, but given how long you were on I’d probably do 5 or 6. After 3 weeks on the clomid add in the nolva at 20mg/day for at least 3 weeks.

Halfway through your PCT get some stinging nettle extract and take that at 250mg eod.

That should sort you out!

[quote]Yogi wrote:
50mg clomid, 20mg nolva.

That’s a long time to be on, man. You’re going to need a pretty aggressive PCT.

If I were you I’d taper my test dosage down slowly, blasting some hCG as I was doing so. Taper your AI down too while you’re doing that. The last week you inject test (which’d only be like 100mg that week) start the clomid at 50mg/day, so you’re starting the clomid before the test clears completely.

Then you’ll need at least another 4 weeks of clomid, but given how long you were on I’d probably do 5 or 6. After 3 weeks on the clomid add in the nolva at 20mg/day for at least 3 weeks.

Halfway through your PCT get some stinging nettle extract and take that at 250mg eod.

That should sort you out![/quote]

Yeah, I’m really hoping I can bounce back man… don’t wanna fuck myself up permanently. I was on a TRT dose (about 150mg/wk) for about a month and then started this current cycle, which I’ve now been on for almost 2 months. I just dropped the Tren after tapering down (was on 600mg/wk for about 4 weeks) and have also been tapering down the test… (was at 800mg/wk) now at about 250, which i plan on dropping to 125 or 100 like you’ve recommended.

Since I think it is VERY important to get on the HCG right away (should be getting in about a week) I figured since I’ve been on for so long, why not run a trt dose for another 4 weeks while I use the hcg? So my pct would look like this

Week 1-4:
HcG - 500iu’s EoD
test - 125mgs/wk
Arimidex - 1mg/day
Clomid - 50mg/day (week 4)

Week: 5-8
Clomid - 50mg/day
Arimidex - 1mg/day

Week 8-12:
Clomid - 50mgs/day
Nolva - 20mgs/day
Arimidex - 1mg/day

This is what I was thinking of doing… what do you think? Anything I can change here please, tell me. I know this is also a little longer than you recommended…

you don’t need your adex dose to be anything like as high as that. 1mg/day would be for if you were running like a gram of test, not a TRT dose. Use it at .25mg eod while you’re blasting the hCG, then stop it in week 5

FYI, A-dex decreases the blood levels of Nolvadex, so it’s not gonna work for you like that.