No TRT 3 Weeks Feeling Crazy

I’ve been on TRT since 2018, currently 41 years old. Protocol is a 80mg shot of TEST C every 3.5 days. Always felt good, stable, and always had excellent health markers(labs, echocardiogram, everything). The problem is since 2018 I’ve been getting my TRT from various men’s clinics paying upwards of $360 per month for it.

I can no longer afford to pay such absurd prices so I went to my actual doctor to ask for a prescription(don’t mind lowering the dose for a real script). However, she wants me to clear off of it for 10 weeks to see if I’m truly hypogonadal. I’m currently on week 3 and I am shocked at how bad I’m feeling.

Tired, paranoid, lots of anxiety, constant bad mood. I am wondering if this is normal? I knew I wasn’t going to feel great, but I never expected to feel this bad. I’m thinking of telling her how awful I’m feeling and pleading my case to just skip the whole crashing me out thing. Has anyone ever come off TRT cold turkey and not felt like shit?

That’s not nearly enough time for levels to recover, especially after years of trt and going cold turkey.

Your doctor is making you suffer for nothing.


Yes coming off cold turkey sucks. Big time. I’ve don’t pay near that through Defy Medical. I only get labs every 9 months for about $350 and then I pay $130 for 2.5 months of Test Cyp.


Was this testing at 9 mo. Progressive?
Like starting out every 3 mo, then 6mo, then 9 mo.?
They have me testing every 6

Seems like overkill to me. But, #blshaw is right. I’m with Defy as well and pay the same as he does.

go UGL. you can get a vial of 10ml/200mg test for around 20-30usd in many places. I abandoned even my good TRT clinic since they stopped selling Tprop. also they reduced vial sizes from 10ml to 5ml which prices up too 100usd for 5ml. there is a point where its enough for me. and i’m not poor. already getting HCG from india for 14usd/10k IU.
now getting my blood work via general doc/insurance and cost me clost to 0. this whole switch will save me close to 2k / year
and yes your doctor is an absolute moron

I’m every six months, but with insurance, labs are $9. Rest is about same.

Yes. First was three, second was six, we did six for a couple years. I’ve been on it so long with no changes needed and consistent labs, they let me go 9+ months.

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That’s one of the issues right there.

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Yes, for two weeks, to get HCG with insurance. My level plummeted to the 100s. You don’t need ten weeks. What kind of doctor are you going to?

360 per month is a ripoff. I recall buying a 10 ml vial, five months worth, for 135 bucks a decade ago. With insurance I pay 35.

Technically I think for what the doc is seeking that’s about right. The Test takes 4-5 weeks to clear and then you need probably the additional 6 weeks for a restart to see if he’s truly hypo. But it’s all silly and moot if he just wants to stay on. Find a cheaper source, ie Defy Medical.

@BrickHead you are a rarity with a true diagnoses covered by insurance. I’d dare say 95% of TRT users don’t have one or qualify. I happen to have one and can get covered by insurance but I still choose to go to Defy as I don’t have a doc as good as yours down here.

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