No Test

I have a few questions maybe someone would like to take a shot at, 1993 I lost both my testicals to cancer, I had always been in the gym so after radiation and chemo I began to hit it again. 1993 test replacement was pretty crude I had injections of cadaver testosterone once or twice a month , felt like shit most of the time, things progressed to patches and gel now its a main stream thing.

I never left the gym and have supplemented my test replacement with gel bu also using test e and test prop sometimes sus. I also have done some cycles of tren, decca, equipoise with test from time to time. im in pretty good shape, have good strength, but always struggle with the theory of maintaining a base line of test in my body with gel,(because without it my test level is like 14) gel keeps me between 400 -600 test shots keep me within the 800- 1100 range the other things seem to give me good results but not great.

looking for feed back