NO Negative Libido Issues from TREN

My cycle:
-Test Prop 50 mg/ED Wks 1-12
-Tren Ace 75 mg/ED Wks 1-11
-Adex .25 mg/ED Wks 1-12
-Prami .25 mg/ED Wks 1-11


  • Clomid 100/100/50/50/30
    -Nolvadex 40/40/20/20/20

Anyone who can help, what do I need to do to keep my sex drive healthy why on cycle and when I get off. I want no shutdown of any kind. PLEASE HELP!!!

This is my 6th cycle BUT my first with trenbolone.

Who says you will have any issues? With Adex and Prami you might be just set.

My issue has been a difficulty to orgasm, not ED, but Prami is supposed to solve this so I’m giving it a go next week, never used it before.

So tren has treated you good in the past? How comparable to the cycle I have listed above has your previous tren cycles been? And what about pct and maintaining healthy libido into/through post cycle? What doses of Prami is recommended especially in a 12 week run?

I would love to run tren!!! BUT I would love to run it the right way and build, shed bf, and maintain my normal sex drive without suppression of libido etc.

Never had a ED or a loss of interest as said above my biggest problem was no matter how long or hard its almost impossible to cum on Tren.

I have never had estrogenic related sides before in my life. But honestly dont know if the tren might bring out the worst

Controlling E is paramount, and prami covers the rest of your bases…however this isn’t like walking into 7-11 and buying aspirin. Everyone reacts differently and all of these compounds carry risk/unwanted sides. You have ancillary use planned…step one in possibly getting through 10-12 weeks of cycle without issues. It’s generally post cycle where your libido issues might show up. Hoping for “no shutdown of any kind” is just hoping…you may see zero issues, but chances are you will have a drop for a period of time like the majority experience. How long is individual…a day, a week, a month, a year…everyone will be different.

During cycle consider the use of proviron strictly for libido support, and some minor synergy/shbg effect. Maybe hcg could be an option as well. Post cycle…trust your ancillary use has set you up for a good recovery, and pick up cialis just in case.