Currently on 50 mg winstrol + 40 T-bol per day and I keep waking up every night in a pool a sweat, is this common?
I’ve used winstrol/T-bol combo before and never had it happen, though my dosage was never as high as it is now.
Currently on 50 mg winstrol + 40 T-bol per day and I keep waking up every night in a pool a sweat, is this common?
I’ve used winstrol/T-bol combo before and never had it happen, though my dosage was never as high as it is now.
Nope. On tren or test yes but not Win or Tbol.
Also why two orals? why no test?
becuz I’m a pansy, I’ve done injectables before and I hated it
hated what? the minimal liver stress?
Probably just the result of your metabolic processes being revved up. Use less blankets, turn the heating down or the air con up, depending on what season you’re in. Should lean you out pretty fast!
[quote]sharetrader wrote:
Probably just the result of your metabolic processes being revved up. [/quote]
Could’nt have said it better.
How are your cholesterol levels on a cycle like that? I know that Turinabol messes up my cholesterol pretty bad and Winstrol is suppose to be the worst. Add Nolvadex post cycle and fuck up your triglycerides too.
Not a healthy way of doing things my friend, then again get the blood work done and if it’s fine for you then cool; I know cycles like that would kill me pretty quick, also get a cardiogram (sic) every once in a while as Winstrol causes Cardiac-hytrophy and Cardio-ventro stiffining and weakness.