Night Club Horror Stories

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
Guy starts picking a fight at the local dive where we spend most of our time in NY. Brother in law/unofficial bouncer grabs him in a choke hold, drags him out the door. Guy’s girl is like “let him go, let him go!” Brother in law lets him go - and he drops like a sack of rice to the concrete. Busted out all his teeth, there were Chicklets on the sidewalk.[/quote]

And…you think this is okay?

[quote]MementoMori wrote:

[quote]BruceLeeFan wrote:

[quote]MementoMori wrote:
Our bar last night again broke out in fighting. Our entire club in fact was in a state of anarchy, with a single bouncer present for the first half of it. This time I stayed behind the bar for fear of my stitches.
One of our bartenders and our bottle service guy jumped in to protect our patrons.

The House doesn’t always win Bodyguard, especially if you come to our bar. It was chaos. Least I wasn’t bottled this time! That being said, standing by and watching my friends risk their own safety while I stand behind the bar was VERY frustrating![/quote]
What the hell sort of bar do you work in?[/quote]

A student bar. However, sometimes some more thuggish people people come in, along with people of seedy reputation and unofficial business endeavours.

HM I know what you’re saying about a better bar, and my family certainly agrees. But unfortunately the money is very good, the best in the city, so I’m making a somewhat short sighted decision.

A big contributing issue to all of this is a change in Ontario Private Security Laws. Now bouncers need a government issued license, after passing a test and course. In other words it requires significant money, time and training to become or remain a bouncer. This stops many big guys from joining on a whim (as I’m sure many did on this forum). It also stopped many experienced bouncers from retaining their license, given this prohibitive nature. A third factor is our club’s proximity to Quebec.

Essentially all of our good bouncers either don’t want to renew their license and quit, or left to Quebec where licensing is not required and payment is made in cash.
On top of that very few new people are going through the hassle of training.

The result, compared to 6 months ago is: our security staff has shrunk in half in terms of numbers and girth. Our average bouncer is probably about 6’0 185 pounds… we only have 10-12 of them for a club of 1000 people… and they know they cannot be fired due to the labour shortage.

THANK YOU government of Ontario for ensuring my safety![/quote]

another example of government being the total suck,

[quote]TheBodyGuard wrote:

[quote]pushmepullme wrote:
Guy starts picking a fight at the local dive where we spend most of our time in NY. Brother in law/unofficial bouncer grabs him in a choke hold, drags him out the door. Guy’s girl is like “let him go, let him go!” Brother in law lets him go - and he drops like a sack of rice to the concrete. Busted out all his teeth, there were Chicklets on the sidewalk.[/quote]

And…you think this is okay? [/quote]

If you notice, it was a night club horror story.

[quote]gregron wrote:

[quote]D_C wrote:
Just remembered something. Didn’t happen to me though.

Was in Greece on holiday with my mates for the third year running. The door staff in a few of the local bars were known lunatics. Massive guys, who looked like they should be in the fucking KGB, not manning the door of some dive in Kavos.

One night some kid came belting past us inside the bar, being chased by 2 of the door staff. They caught up with him on the dancefloor and started hitting him with these batons they carried. He managed to get up but in the process of running away, he ran straight THROUGH a pane of glass that was part of the entrance to a different part of the bar.

Needless to say, he was a mess.[/quote]

wait, you’ve been a member for 1 month, with 6 posts, and you’re a level 4? Do you live off of Anaconda and Finibars or something? :)[/quote]

I’m guessing everyone’s join date is from when they make their first post in the forums? Because i’ve been using Biotest supplements for months.

Or maybe there’s another explanation.

Look, did you like my story or not?!!!

[quote]D_C wrote:
I’m guessing everyone’s join date is from when they make their first post in the forums? Because i’ve been using Biotest supplements for months.

Or maybe there’s another explanation.

Look, did you like my story or not?!!![/quote]

It’s not, it’s literally when you joined and created your user-name. I didn’t start posting til months after I registered.

[quote]TheBodyGuard wrote:

[quote]MementoMori wrote:
Our bar last night again broke out in fighting. Our entire club in fact was in a state of anarchy, with a single bouncer present for the first half of it. This time I stayed behind the bar for fear of my stitches.
One of our bartenders and our bottle service guy jumped in to protect our patrons.

The House doesn’t always win Bodyguard, especially if you come to our bar. It was chaos. Least I wasn’t bottled this time! That being said, standing by and watching my friends risk their own safety while I stand behind the bar was VERY frustrating![/quote]

A properly trained, staffed and dis-positioned staff always wins. You’re not even understaffed…what is occurring in your bar is criminal negligence. You should find another job.[/quote]

Seriously. Suggest your employer steps up to the bar (pun intended), and pays for the training/licensing, if that’s what it takes to get staff up. If not, get the hell out.

[quote]Ghost22 wrote:

[quote]D_C wrote:
I’m guessing everyone’s join date is from when they make their first post in the forums? Because i’ve been using Biotest supplements for months.

Or maybe there’s another explanation.

Look, did you like my story or not?!!![/quote]

It’s not, it’s literally when you joined and created your user-name. I didn’t start posting til months after I registered. [/quote]


My join date is from my first post in the forums, which was long after my first purchase from the Biotest store.

I’m responsible for the plastic shields around the cage thingies they keep the drinks in at a bar in Winnipeg. Well, this was 15 years ago.

[quote]Nards wrote:
I’m responsible for the plastic shields around the cage thingies they keep the drinks in at a bar in Winnipeg. Well, this was 15 years ago.


It was one of those two-level bars and it was Monday night so they didn’t need the upstairs open. I was thinking that if you pushed a bottle over in the cage that maybe you could tip the bottle and get some ‘free’ booze.
I knocked over a bottle and then used a coat hanger to pull down on the neck and got some booze.
Though the only bottle I could get was Galliano.
I never even got to drink any because I found out later the coat-check girl near the front door could see me and sent a bouncer up and I fled.

A couple years ago I got caught up in a fight between a buddy and some random guy in the bar. In the end, I took a bottle to the left side of my face. The bottle broke when it hit me, and the bottom part of the bottle skipped across both eye brows. I had 5 deep lacerations. All total, it was approx 100 stitches.

I have one scar (left cheek) that is pretty obvious to me. The scar over my left eye is pretty noticeable to me, but most people say they don’t see it. I have two other scars on my left cheek that you can hardly see, and the scar over my right eye is almost non-existent as it runs the entire length of my eyebrow. That was a fun night. I got very lucky as the bottle parts didn’t actually go in my eyes. I possibly could be blind now.