[quote]T-Stag wrote:
Hmm, let’s see…after a discussion with an American friend of mine we concluded the following:
a) Separation of church and state will be further undermined;
b) Iran will not be handled right and will become another war;
c) Now that Arafat’s nearly dying and the Arab world is about to be without a unifying factor, extremist factions will be freer to be extreme (bad for America and the world), and America going to war with Iran will certainly fuel some really bad relations with other extreme Arab entities…not that much more is needed. A level head may have and may yet be able to avert that; not Dub;
d) The checks and measures of America can protect it from a lot, but the appointment of Supreme Court Justices tend to have an affect that is felt for decades;
e) Gas could top 3.5 bucks a gallon.
f) The European Community is unifying more and more as Dub shows them his
cold shoulder more and more…any final severing of the great western
alliance is highly unlikely, but not impossible with a lunatic like this in
the White House…and if it were to occur, it would be a serious imbalancing of the globe.
g) This undermining of civil rights by the patriot act…it won’t be reversed;
h) America will lose any remaining credibility with the international
community through the act of re-electing a madman;
i) The gulf between the financial classes in this country will become so
wide, social unrest will take once again to the streets;
j) The lack of health and education to the poor will have a debilitating
effect that will last for generations to come (oops; already happened), and
k) Oil interests will be 4 more years more entrenched, making alternative
fuels more unobtainable.
Did someone mention commercial space flights here? Sign me up for the first colony leaving to planet Mars. At least I’ll have front row tickets to see this planet explode.[/quote]
And coming in early 2005 - we’ll start eating our young.
I’m sorry that the mere act of voters exercising their constitutional right have made things so tough for you in Finland, and your Euro-centrist american pal. But tough shit - we proved Tuesday we are not a nation to give a shit what Europe thinks.