I have tried to read and follow the stickies as well as read what other people have posted and I am trying to get a handle on everything.
-age 30
-height 5’8
-waist 32
-weight 148
-describe body and facial hair- no problem growing facial hair body hair and i have a thick hair on my head
-describe where you carry fat and how changed- never really carried much fat but have been carrying more in my waist and hips.
-health conditions, symptoms [history] Scarred kidney when I was 6 left one of my kidneys small with about 20% normal function, gallbladder and appendix removed.
-Rx and OTC drugs, have been on celexa i am off it now.
-lab results with ranges
Total T-219 250-1100
Free T-29.7 46-224
t bio-62.5 110-575
SHBG-29 10-50
Albumin,Serum 4.6 3.6-5.1
General panel
Wbc 10.1 4-11
RBC 5.44 4.6-6
HGB 15.2 14-18
HCT 46.5 14-57
MCV 85.5 80-100
MCH 27.9 28-33
MCHC 32.7 31-36
RDW 12 11.7-15%
PLT 246 150-450
MPV 9 8-11
NEU% 58.8 37-72
LTMPH% 29.9 20-50
MONO% 7.0 4-13
EOS% 3.6 0-7
BASO% 0.7 0-3
NEU# 5.9 1.5-7
LYMPH# 3.0 1-3.7
MONO# 0.7 .1-1.0
EOS# 0.4 0-0.4
BASO# 0.1 0-0.2
Segs 55 37-72
Bands 0 0-6
Lymph 30 20-50
Monocyte 8 4-13
Eos 4 0-7
Basophil 0 0-7
Metas 0 0-3
Myelos 0 0
Immature cells 0 0
Na 136 135-145
K 3.4 3.6-5.1
Chloride 100 101-111
CO2 25.4 21-31
Glucose 77 70-105
BUN 13 8-26
creatinine .98 .7-1.3
eGFR 90 >60
Albumin 4.2 3.5-505
TP 6.9 6.0-7.8
Calcium 9 8.4-10.6
T.Bili .4 .2-1.0
AST 23 10-42
ALT 23 10-60
Alk Phos 60 42-140
TSH 1.88 .34-5.6
All the bloodwork I Have so far.
-describe diet [some create substantial damage with starvation diets] Picky eater mostly chicken potatoes meats pizza not that great.
-describe training No exercise for the past bit I have not felt good enough to.
-testes ache, ever, with a fever? nope
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed. non-existent until my first shot 2 weeks ago.