Symptoms - Weight gain/inability to lose weight despite tracking all calories & exercising 6 days a week, low libido, frequent urination, always cracking joints.
I’ve posted my pre-treatment labs. To summarize:
Low T & Free T, Low e2, Low LH, High SHBG, low Thyroid T3 free
The doc put me on 12.5 Clomid EOD, .125 Anastrozole 3x/week, iodine, selenium vit d3,vit k2, dhea, stinging nettle root. After 2.5 weeks, I spoke with the doc’s assistant about my low e2. She said to drop the Anastrozole and take ad needed (I’m not sure why the doctor put my on the AI in the first place with such low e2).
The next set of labs are 4 weeks into this treatment. I have no improvements on symptoms. The inability to lose weight despite very tracked diet/exercise is the most present symptom, but other symptoms haven’t improved. The doctor from Defy I spoke to today said he thinks my thyroid needs to be improved. Therefore, he added Armour Thyroid to my treatment, and increased Clomid dosage.
The new doc changed my treatment to 25mg clomid daily, 30mg armour thyroid iodine, selenium, vit d3,vit k2, dhea, stinging nettle root. He suggested if symptoms don’t imrprove after 1.5 weeks, up armour dosage to 60mg, 1.5 weeks later to 90mg, and 1.5 weeks later to 120mg if symptoms still do not improve.
Since staying fertile is important to me, he didn’t want to suggest testosterone yet. He mentioned HCG instead of clomid as a possible treatment, and kind of asked me what I would prefer. I said I’m deferring to him since he’s a reputable doctor, as I’m open to whatever helps. He went with the increased clomid option. I’m not sure what the difference would be outside of what he said of Clomid also raises SHBG. He acknowleged SHBG was previously high, but wanted to try increased clomid dosage for the next weeks, and have this retested. I feel like if I suggested I’d prefer HCG, he would’ve been fine prescribing that, but again - I don’t know what’s best, and wanted to leave it to his judgement rather than swaying him one way or the other.
What do you guys think of my labs and the new proposed treatment plan? Does anyone have experience with Armour Thyroid they can share? What to expect on how to feel? My labs are below are it should be noted I began the first treatment on 3/4/19, so the second labs are taken exactly 4 weeks of that treatment plan. Are the slight improvement on numbers about what
should be expected?
Input is appreciated.