Hello, I have been working out for over 2 years now I am 19. Im not in it for huge gains, just a cut body. Im 6’2" and weight 170lb. I understand the idea behind this is to lower bf% while keeping up with working out, which is what ive been doing. Ive dropped to 11.5% BF. I want more muscle deffinition rather than pure mass (not huge). I want something that will help me get more defined, a little larger, but i dont want horrible side effects such as acne/hair/bitch tits/etc… I have read through the different types of gear, but am confused on what would work best for me. Any suggestions? (injections arent a problem).
working out for 2 years now at 19, and you want to juice? lol… ill let the others handle this one.
theres very little chance anybody on this board is gonna give AS advice to a 19 year old kid. Theres no way you have been in the game long enough. Push yourself as far as you can, and maybe 10 years from now you will be ready. Youre still a teen, your homones are working to your advantage for lifting right now. and if all you want is to get cut, lift, do your cardio, and eat clean. There.
Good luck with the flaming. but atleast you didnt include a picture.
I was thinking more like clen, Im about to do a cycle of that so i can have the extra caloric intake and still cut some BF.
wow, you are 6"2 and you wanna lose weight, you really going for that stud marathoner look ?
I’m hardly at liberty to discuss drug usage having never dabbled in that area myself nor holding any degrees in biochemistry, however I will put in my 2 cents. Why not learn how to maximize your own diet and training to achieve whichever goal you desire(leaner, more mass, etc.)? Then should you ever choose to go down the drug route, your potential results should be superior to those achieved if training and diet hadn’t been dialed in as best as possible. The gear will always be there, as will the literature to give you potential ideas, but getting to know your own body can only be achieved in one way and will be invaluable over the course of your training life. And while I can’t speak to your current level of knowledge with regards to training and dietary concerns, I can say that the drugs are no magic bullet, and even if they proved to be a rousing success in the short term for you personally, holding on to that progress and building on it over the course of years takes more than just knowing what stuff to take. Plenty of top flight info here to help you achieve your desired result though, even sans drugs. In any event, best of luck achieving your goals.
not loose weight, i want to gain weight, loose fat.
[quote]zke36 wrote:
not loose weight, i want to gain weight, loose fat. [/quote]
gotta learn your synonyms first son…
Clen? Are you a fucking moron?
This sounds alot like what I hear from all the kids where I work
When ever you start talking to them about working out it is always the same thing.
“I don’t really want to get big or anything, I just want to get “Cut””
“being cut” is some kind of repeative phrase that must be regurgatating from other source perhaps from MTV, something that they parrot out without really understanding what they want.
rephrase: im 6’2", 168lb, 11.5%BF. I want to gain weight to reach 180lb and be at 10%BF. I have removed all fat from my diet, which is how i dropped from 175 since the summer to 168. I now want to increase caloric intake/bulk to 180lb, while maintaining/dropping to 10%BF. What can help with this?
You are not ready for steroids, and you will not find one person on this site who thinks you are.
You just said you wanna gain muscle, yet you dropped ALL fats from your diet, if you had done any research you would see that your body needs fat in its diet keep some of your hormonal levels right, including a fairly important one, testosterone.
Im positive that the goals you want are possible by just following proper exercise and diet guidelines. Do some research, and in 6 months, i highly doubt you will still wanna go down this path.
gain weight on clen? have you done ANY research?? Listen man, seriously do NOT touch ANYTHING you sound like you have no clue what your doing and will mess yourself up BAD
[quote]zke36 wrote:
rephrase: im 6’2", 168lb, 11.5%BF. I want to gain weight to reach 180lb and be at 10%BF. I have removed all fat from my diet, which is how i dropped from 175 since the summer to 168. I now want to increase caloric intake/bulk to 180lb, while maintaining/dropping to 10%BF. What can help with this? [/quote]
Eat some fat. Read the articles. Don’t even think about steroids for a long while.
[quote]zke36 wrote:
rephrase: im 6’2", 168lb, 11.5%BF. I want to gain weight to reach 180lb and be at 10%BF. I have removed all fat from my diet, which is how i dropped from 175 since the summer to 168. I now want to increase caloric intake/bulk to 180lb, while maintaining/dropping to 10%BF. What can help with this? [/quote]
rephrase: i’m a skinny moron. i want to remain skinny, but have ribs sticking out. i have used archaic ineffective methods to lose more of my muscle. i now want to gain an easily achievable weight without not seeing my ribs for a day. what is the dumbest way possible to do this?
Ladies and gentlemen we have a winner. This is the correct answer.
[quote]ZedLeppelin wrote:
rephrase: i’m a skinny moron. i want to remain skinny, but have ribs sticking out. i have used archaic ineffective methods to lose more of my muscle. i now want to gain an easily achievable weight without not seeing my ribs for a day. what is the dumbest way possible to do this?[/quote]
if you really want to get yourself to a goal and don’t feel like reading up a lot or just using trial and error until it comes out right, why not spend the money you’d save by not going the drug route on consultation and program design with one of the many fine coaches here, such as Christian Thibaudeau, Eric Cressey, Chad Waterbury,etc. and also consider Dr. John Berardi for designing your diet.
Sure these things would not come cheaply, but the insight it would give you would last long after the money has been burned on drugs and those results have faded. Plus I am sure you’d be pleased with the results.
[quote]zke36 wrote:
What can help with this? [/quote]
Learning how to eat and train right are the only things that will help you with your goals in the long run. Drugs may allow you to get from point A to point B, but having a lack of knowledge just means you will slide back down hill to point A. Oh yeah you may get some unwanted side effects to come along for the ride
Is there no way to filter this crap?
How many times do we have to read this same shit?
Is there anyone that actually reads the posts before they go up?
I don’t use steroids, but I enjoy the forum, and hate it when I click a post and it is yet another stupid fucking teenager.
Hey OP, here’s an idea. Jump off a fucking overpass.