age 26, 27 Feb 28th
height 6 1
weight Currently 338
waist 45 at hips
describe body and facial hair: I have a full head of hair and it is thick. I have no hair on my chest/shoulders/upper back/biceps/triceps. I do have some hair (very little) on stomach and small of back. Arms, legs, pits, and genitals have thin hair. Cannot grow full beard or anything remotely close. I look like a oppossum on chemo.
did to grow fast or slow and steady as a teen: Slow and steady from what I remember.
testes ache or hurt? ever? Slight uncomfortable pain but infrequent
mood: relaxed, laidback… I do not get too excited about much.
depression: Not that I’m aware of.
libido: Ha! What’s libido? I could not tell you the last time I had sex or thought about sex and yes I’m married. My libido has caused many concerns to my wife. She tends to think I do not like her or find her attractive.
get cold easily? a change? Hands and feet are often cold
dry skin, brittle nails? Skin…no. Nails…would not know because I chew/bite them.
use iodized salt? Don’t think so.
eat much sea food? Few times a month.
exposure to chemicals? No.
ever used hair loss drugs? No.
Rx and OTC drugs: I’ve used: M1T (methylated testosterone) about 6 years ago, Dbol 30 mg/day for 6 weeks 2 years ago, allergy meds like Zyrtec or Claritin, and Dr. currently has me on Phentermine.
I unfortunately do not have much labwork at my hands. I recently did a full panel and all was “normal” except my liver enzymes. After seeing GI Dr., they said I have NASH which is a really long word for fatty liver disease. The test results I have are limited but here they are:
Iron Total 61 ug/dL 49-181
TIBC 262 ug/dL 250-460
Iron Saturation 23 % 15-40
TSH 2.47 uIU/mL .35-4.94
Testosterone 192 ng/dL 132-813 ???
I have been complaining of lethargy, limited and interrupted sleep, no libido, erections do not seem as strong and from what I can remember sex did not last long. 2 years ago when I was using light gear (also took Nolvadex after) I weighed 260. Since that time the weight has been packing on with limited changes to my diet. I was at a record high of 367 and over the past 4-5 months have dropped to 338. My doctor wants to see if losing weight will increase my T levels, but I think I ruined them between the M1T with no PCT (young and dumb) and the light gear.
I have two appointments with two different endocrinologists. Feb. 20th and April 10th
I left a message with my family doctor to put in orders so I can test LH/FSH, TT, FT or bio-T, E2, and PSA prior to these appointments. I would rather figure out how to strictly deal with my doctor though.
I am open to questions and comments. I need all the help I can get. I am too young too feel this crappy. My goal is to get on TRT, if that is the solution, dosed 200-250 mg/mL EOW. Which I can pin lower doses twice weekly if they would let me.