Finally got my crashed Estrogen back up from the anastrazole. I am taking 30mg every Mon Wed and Fri. Numbers are great and feeling great. Problem is im having a little bit of high E2 symptoms. Nothing crazy , just a drop in libido that is pretty noticeable and some difficulty with achieving climax. My Urologist said it’s likely slightly elevated E2 and that he recommends a small dose of Aromasin as needed to help. He said he is strongly against anastrazole as it’s a “ dirty” drug for lowering E2. Any advice ? I know there is the whole AI is the devil crowd, but it’s been a couple months of stablization since my previous crash.
For reference, I crashed E2 due to taking .5mg anastrazole every week for 8 weeks and when i did labs it was 7. I felt very very poorly. Last labs I had were 5 weeks ago and it was 40.
Any experience with Aromasin low dose as needed ? How would you say it compares to Anastrazole other than no rebound effect ( per my urologist ). Thanks guys and stay safe !
Aromison is a suicide aromatase inhibitor. It stops the conversion.
Start with 12.5mgx3/week and see how you do.
You might need to take some arimidex if you need to lower estrogen.
12.5mg weekly for 3 weeks ? Or 3 times in one week. I haven’t heard back the doctor rec. on dosing yet but he is much more conservative the the last nurse practitioner I was seeing. She was kinda nuts lol.
I would do 3x12.5 per week and then once your where you wanna be drop down to 12.5x2 times per week and see where you are at.
You will need to adjust by feel or bloodwork.
I am not familiar with these doses. Is this an aggressive approach? I am terrified of crashing E2 again , but my insurance is giving pushback on more blood work. Granted, i always crashed it on Anastrazole with continuous usage of about .5mg a week. So is this much weaker would you say than that ? Thank you btw for the advice !
Aromison is much weaker and works differently that arimidex.
Arom stops conversion
Arim lowers estrogen directly
You can always pay for bloodwok directly through quest.
Does it work pretty fast ? Could I take a pill only as I feel the side effects of high E2. I am starting to notice “ my “ high E2 side effects. I don’t get the itchy nipples or high emotional state, I get fatigue , lack of motivation and loss of libido. I’m just terrified of Anastrazole at this point. Doc said Aromasin is much much safer as it is easier to dial in. Still waiting to hear back from him on dosing to start on and get the prescription.
No it does not work fast. If you want fast take arimidex.
You should prolly read up on aromasin and how it works. It just blocks conversion so in order to lower your estrogen with it you would need to take in access of what you conversion rate is. Once you do that for a while your estrogen will lower naturally as there is nothing to convert. After that you need to find a balance of how much you can take to allow some conversion to maintain healthy levels.
The doc wants me to just use 25mg once a week for 3 weeks then stop. And to only do this when I feel pretty symptomatic. Does this make sense to you ? I’ve been lead astray so many times by so called doctors in this space and im very paranoid now. But i miss having a libido and suspect my E2 is decently elevated ( probably around 60’s ). So I don’t need it super low, just maybe half lol. Why can’t this just be easier .
If your estrogen is rising from the dose you are taking then it’s always gonna rise. It would be more ideal to just keep taking it and hold estrogen where you want it otherwise your gonna be on aconstant rollercoaster chasing esterogen.I would take it twice per week but thats me. You will have to find what works for you.
Reread my comments above
You have to start somewhere. See where you are at and adjust from there. I do not like the take for a few weeks and stop method though. Typical Doc who knows nothing about how this stuff works.
i coudl be quoting this wrong, its all second hand . But he explained from my understanding that if taken for longer than 3 weeks it can start to have a compounding effect and block too much. He basically said to take for 3 weeks then stop for a bit until symptoms reappear. But yes, finding a doctor who knows a lot about this is very hard. Endocrinology at the university where I work takes 6 months for an appointment. So I am kind of stuck for a bit with my urologist .
This could be the case if you are taking enough to stop conversion completely. The goal would be to stop enough conversion so you don’t get symptoms and then ride that out.
I don’t like this. Your hormones will always be all over the place.
Aim for a TRT dosing protocol that puts your e2 levels in a healthy range, so that you don’t experience high or low estrogen symptoms, without the need for anything extra like anastrozole or aromisin.
You can order labs for very good pricing through discountlabs, getting the labs done at your local lab (such as quest); high sensitivity estradiol labs are about $40.
For most men, a TRT dose of around 100mg a week (or between 80-120mg a week) will put their TT, FT, and E2 in good ranges, without the need for additional meds to control estrogen. That is considered the sweet spot you and your doc should aim for.
Im taking 90mg a week. Any less and I don’t feel as good, ive tried as low as 60 a week. Sadly im a high aromatizer and always feel better on a very low dose of AI.