New Member, Looking for Opinions on Latest Lab Results

Hey everybody, 45 yrs old, 180, estimated 25% BF, exercise 3-4 times a week, body weight, bands and DB’s for now, cardio 4-5 times a week. started TRT this past January, low T symptoms for 10 years prior. I’m looking for advice on my latest lab results, and I also have some questions before I see my doctor on Friday. I’ll list labs pre TRT to latest.

-Pre TRT, med center lab
Prolactin-27.1ng/dl(3.7-17.9)TBI, no pituitary tumor

-3 month’s at 100mg test cyp a week, 50 E3.5D, IM, fasting and peak, med center lab
Estradiol non sensitive-37pg/ml(26-61)

-1 week at 120mg, 60mg E3.5D, IM ,fasting and trough, LabCorp (freaking out about man boobs)
Estradiol sensitive-46.1pg/ml(8.0-35.0)

-6 weeks 120mg, 60mg E3.5D,IM, fasting and trough, LabCorp
Estradiol sensitive-39.6pg/ml(8.0-35.0)

I couldn’t afford a more comprehensive panel right now, I apparently used up all my “insurance paid labs” for the year, so I’m on my own for another six months.

So I had some pretty good success going from 100mg to 120mg. Estradiol is a little high, but I only experience some slight nipple burning occasionally, usually after injection up to peak, no swelling or lumps. Prolactin has always been higher, all though I did have some clear discharge in the first month of TRT. I have a few questions, opinions/advice on any would be greatly appreciated.

-How’s the FT looks compared to the TT?
-How do I compare the FT 16.1pg/ml to the previous 81ng/dl?(tried to convert this ,but didn’t understand it)
-Any guess on what the peak numbers could be?
-Since I’m a higher SHBG guy at 45(10-50)would there be any reason or benefit besides convenience, to switching from 60mg E3.5D to one 120mg a week injection, or would this affect E too much?

Again, any input is greatly appreciated. thanks, Chris

Some men just have higher prolactin than others. Free T looks good giving your prior SHBG level, should have dropped a little.

High prolactin and high estrogen can lead to gyno, you need to get serious about estrogen management. You could also just lower test dosage.

If working with a compounding pharmacy you can order custom compounded doses of Arimidex to whatever your heart desires.You can also dissolve 1 mg tablet of Arimidex in 1 oz of vodka and dose that way.

Some men can come off the AI after getting in shape and losing a little weight. You need to keep alcohol out of the picture, this will increase your aomatase action within your body.

  1. FT looks OK.
  2. 16.1pg/mL is 1.61ng/dL. Given the lab range (50-585), I am guessing they used a different testing method.
  3. Peak numbers? Do you mean the highest level, immediately after injection?
  4. Yes, you could, but it might increase E2, at least early in the week.

I thought about lowering the dose, but my numbers weren’t that great at 100mg, might compromise and go 110mg, Right now I feel good. Strength is definitely up, I’ve gained roughly 17 pounds in the past 6-8 weeks, with not really any noticeable fat gain, maybe a little on my gut, but that may be water retention from the E, as a matter of fact my size 34 pants are fitting a little looser now. As far a alcohol goes I haven’t had anything stronger than red wine in well over a year. I’ll talk with my doctor again this week about the AI, if she’s not willing , I’ll look into getting it own my own. thanks

My first labs were done at about 42 hours after my injection, with most people saying peak is at about 48 hours, so I was pretty close, and my latest results were trough. I was just trying to estimate what the TT-933 and FT-16.1 might have been at about the same time after injection. Thanks

Estrogen is big reason I never tried the single shot a week for my high SHBG.

The first Total Test number on 100 a week looks like maybe it was a lab error. (336?)

I find it really hard to believe that with the high shbg your total test was that low. Then adding 20mg a week put you at 933? Yea, I think that number is wrong. Just speculating though.

The line I draw for E2 symptoms is nipple itchiness. I wont just let that symptom go. Mild acne, and the occasional non morning wood, are acceptable (to me). Once my nipples started itching, I lowered my dose.

How did you feel on 100 a week? Likely you would be OK on that dose, and your e2 would be manageable. 100 a week was the very limit for me, I had some itchiness.

Now at 90 a week, no issues. I have high shbg like you.

Just a guess, 1050-1100 and 20.

I had a few days or so about a month in where I felt really good(placebo?), then back to felling like crap again. It wasn’t until about 8 weeks ago that I really noticed a difference, strength increased and put on some weight. The decision to up the dose was based off the TT-336, FT-81. Maybe if I had gone another 6 weeks or so then retested myself, I would have had different results, I don’t know. I’ll probably lower it a bit then retest in 6-8 weeks, I have a feeling my doctor’s gonna freak over the levels anyway, SHE was fine with the TT-336.Thanks

I was thinking maybe 1100-1200 also. Thanks

You might want to consider that maybe that first TT was an error. Like I said, I find it really hard to believe you were at 300 TT with a SHBG of 40+ and on 100mg a week.