-age 47
-height 6’
-waist 40
-weight 285#
-describe body and facial hair - thin body hair. Enough facial hair to grow a white goatee
-describe where you carry fat and how changed - Carrying fat in waist, belly, and butt with some soft moobs (A/B cups) up top
-health conditions, symptoms [history] - High BP & Cholesterol, mild depression
-Rx and OTC drugs - BP: Cozaar 100mg, Doxazosin 4mg, Hcz 12.5mg, Aspirin 81mg- Cholesterol: Zocor 40mg - Depression Celexa 60mg, Wellbutrin 300mg
-lab results with ranges
Glucose, Fasting 95 mg/dl 70-110 range
BUN 18 mg/dl 9-20 range
Creatinine 1.1 mg/dl .8-1.5 range
Calcium 9.3 mg/dl 8.3-10.9
Total Protein 7.4 6.4-8.3 range
Albumin 4.4 3.5-5.0 range
Total Bilirubin 1.0 .2-103
Alkaline Phosphate 72 38-126 Range
AST (SGOT) 25 17-45 range
ALT (SGPT) 38 21-72 range
Sodium 143 136-148 range
Potassium 4.3 3.5-5.5 range
Chloride 105 98-107 range
CO2 27 22-30 range
eGFR 77 60-137 range
Cholesterol 222 100-199 range
Triglycerides 114 0-200 range
HDL 22 34-100 range
LDL (Calculated) 147 75-130 range
WBC 5.9 4.0-10.5
RBC 4.64 4.1-5.60 range
Hemoglobin 15.0 12-18 range
Hematocrit 43.1 36-50
MCV 93.0 80-98 range
MCH 31.5 27.0-34.0
MCHC 33.9 32.0-36.0 range
Platelet Count 220 140-415 range
Testosterone 342ng/dL 348-1197 range
Free Test (direct) 9.9 6.8-21.5 range
PSA .49 0.0-4.0 range
Insulin-like Growth Factor 145 94-252 range
LH 4.0 - 1.7-8.6 range
FSH 5.2 - 1.5-12.4
Estradiol - 24.5 - 7.6-42.6 range
TSH .99 - .35-5.5 range
B12 474 - 211-946 range
Folate 13 - >3.0
-describe diet - Was crap but now clean (though maybe not enough calories). Trying to lose weight and fat. About 2200 cal/day with low carbs. Will increase as I get back to training. Bad Diet Mountain Dew habit that I’m trying to kick
-describe training - Virtually none for the past 5 years (Injuries)
-testes ache, ever, with a fever? No
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed - Not much of either which is a big switch. Here and gone scenario
Been a strength athlete for many years. 2006 had microfracture surgery on right knee and that took a few years for the cartilage to fill in. Got the body weight down to 240# and started training only to get rear-ended in 2008. Still suffering from that and hard to get motivated.
Doctor wants to talk with me about creams. I searched the site for cream vs injection protocol but could not find anything. Thought I saw something awhile ago where creams were not as effective.
Any help is appreciated.