Hello everyone,
I’ve been a lurker here ever since start TRT about a month ago. Finally joined up as this seems to be the most knowledgeable place on the net when it comes to TRT and my doc (VA clinic) doesnt seem to have a clue. KSman, Why are you not a doctor? You know everything!
I had been feeling really down in the dumps, fall asleep at the drop of a hat damn near, shrunk an 1", joint pain all the time, virtually NO short term memory ETC. For years the VA chalked all of this up to PTSD. I finally requested a different doc at the VA this past summer and we this is where we are now.
I started TRT at 100mg IM of test cyp injected weekly about a month ago, The first 3 days after the 1st injection i felt great! Tons of energy, drive to lift again (which i did, man im outa shape) Day 4-5-6-7 sucked again, I was hot, sweating all the time, clammy skin when not sweating etc. I also noticed my nipples itching a little bit but maybe it was in my head as i was concerned about it with what i had read hear and my being hot all the time.
I took the initiative myself and started injecting 50mg 2 times per week and this seems to have helped a little with the sweating, although im still hot most the time. This past week i talked to my doc about Arimidex and HCG, She acted like she had never heard of them but said she would schedule a consult with the VA endo, he’s a crusty old guy so my hopes arent great that he knows about anything either.
Let’s get started,
28yrs old
36" waist
facial hair is sketchy at best, I couldnt grow a beard if i tried. Shaving once a week takes care of it without looking scraggly. No chest hair(tiny bit around nipples) arm and leg hair seems normal.
-i seem to carry most of my fat around my stomach, and thighs. it has increased greatly over the years but i have no doubt that this is in fact to to my lack of exercise as i just lost motivation and energy to go the gym for the last 6-8yrs
-never had any real health concerns before now.
-Been prescribed oxycodone for back pain but hate the stuff as i can see how it hooks people in a hurry. Maybe take 20 5mg tabs of it a year when my back is acting up.
-I try and eat a healthy diet but will be the first to admit its not always great. I usually have cereal for breakfast, at leat a protein shake for lunch(muscle milk) and whatever the wife cooks for supper. (pastas, tacos, homeade pizzas, steaks, chicken, etc)
-describe training [some ruin there hormones by over training]
I usually am running a very mild fever when at the doc, like 99.0 99.2 98.9 etc
-erections have had a noticeable change since starting TRT. For the better for sure.
Labs before starting TRT:
LH 2.36 RANGE 1.51-9.36
FSH 2.09 1.55-9.74
TT 274 300-623
FT 10.09 8.8-27
E2 never tested
prolactin 10.9 3.7-17.9
psa .0672 0.0-4.0
WBC 4.0 4.0-10.8
RBC 4.98 3.95-5.79
HGB 14.3 12.5-17.0
hemacrit 42.3 38-52
MCV 84.9 81.8-98.6
MCH 28.7 27.2-33.6
MCHC 33.8 32.4-34.8
RDW 13.9 12.3-15.9
PLT 276 150-400
MPV 10.3 6.6-11.8
NEUTROPHIL 1.5 1.5-7
NEUT % 43.4 50-70
LYMPH A 1.3 1-4
LYMPH % 37.5 25-40
MONO .4 .2-.8
MONO % 12.8 3-8
EOSINOPHIL .2 0.0-.3
EOSINPHIL % 4.5 1-3
BASOPHIL .1 0.0-.2
BASOPHIL % 1.8 0-2
SED RATE 8 0-15
SHBG 25 10-50
ANION GAP 10 7-16
EGFR 80 >60
GLUCLOSE 107 70-100
SODIUM 139 137-145
POTASSIUM 4.5 3.5-5.1
CHLORIDE 103 98-107
CO2 26 22-30
ALBUMIN 4.4 3.5-5.0
ALK PHOS 71 38-126
ALT 52 13-69
AST 38 15-46
CALCIUM 9.4 8.4-10.2
MAGNESIUM 2.1 1.6-2.3
VIT D 30 30-74
TSH 1.95 .465-4.68
CHOLESTROL 202 <=200
Thanks for the help gentlemen!