New Expendables Trailer

Only an IMAX will be able to contain the awesomeness that is schwarzenegger, Stallone, Willis and LUNGDREN!

Yyyaass ya fuckin dancer!

I swear it’s the end of the universe if this film is shown if they added Chuck into it and to bring Charles Bronson back to life and the amount of Test on that film will I don’t even think I can come up with the amount of awesomeness this film will be

HOLY…SHIT! This is Jesus, Mohammed & Buddah in a bar room brawl against a bunch of Orcs, Siths and Terminators. Wait, but the bar is on fire, and, and its hanging at the edge of a cliff, and, and there is a zombie farm at the bottom of the cliff, and, and the zombies are having a switchblade fight against a bunch of Minotars! That is the level of awesome this movie is on. All they have to do is throw in bunch of topless titties for no reason and this movie will become the new constitution of the United States

[quote]Pootie Tang wrote:
HOLY…SHIT! This is Jesus, Mohammed & Buddah in a bar room brawl against a bunch of Orcs, Siths and Terminators. Wait, but the bar is on fire, and, and its hanging at the edge of a cliff, and, and there is a zombie farm at the bottom of the cliff, and, and the zombies are having a switchblade fight against a bunch of Minotars! That is the level of awesome this movie is on. All they have to do is throw in bunch of topless titties for no reason and this movie will become the new constitution of the United States[/quote]

With a deathstar waiting to take on the winner yes there is no description to explain how awesome this movie will be

Totally stoked for this movie. Looks like an August release, which is fucking FOREVER…

Nightmare on Elm St. in 30 days, Iron Man 2 in May, A-Team in June, Predators in July, and Expendables in August.

Pretty good Summer for movies if you’re a guy. I’ll be going.

this better be good!

[quote]Pootie Tang wrote:
HOLY…SHIT! This is Jesus, Mohammed & Buddah in a bar room brawl against a bunch of Orcs, Siths and Terminators. Wait, but the bar is on fire, and, and its hanging at the edge of a cliff, and, and there is a zombie farm at the bottom of the cliff, and, and the zombies are having a switchblade fight against a bunch of Minotars! That is the level of awesome this movie is on. All they have to do is throw in bunch of topless titties for no reason and this movie will become the new constitution of the United States[/quote]

ahhahaha PERFECT

Hope this works

Getting better but still have to go with Expendables

This is going to be a great summer…It will be close call for this or Expendables…

[quote]Pootie Tang wrote:
HOLY…SHIT! This is Jesus, Mohammed & Buddah in a bar room brawl against a bunch of Orcs, Siths and Terminators. Wait, but the bar is on fire, and, and its hanging at the edge of a cliff, and, and there is a zombie farm at the bottom of the cliff, and, and the zombies are having a switchblade fight against a bunch of Minotars! That is the level of awesome this movie is on. All they have to do is throw in bunch of topless titties for no reason and this movie will become the new constitution of the United States[/quote]

You mis-spelled Ork, motherfucker.

Also, truth.


[quote]ward bond wrote:

[quote]kaisermetal wrote:
every movie featuring Stallone is cool, if you didn’t love Marion Cobretti and Over The Top i shall say that you my man, HAVE NO SOUL[/quote]
One of my favorite movie lines is from Mr. Cobretti in Cobra…

Thug in grocery store…“I’m going to blow this place up!!!”

Cobra…“Thats o.k., I don’t shop here”[/quote]

Great movie. Little piece of trivia: Stallone was set to star in a movie made in 1984 where his character would be named Axl Cobretti and his nickname was “The Motor City Cobra”. It was about a Detroit cop who’s best buddy is murdered and he goes looking for the killers. It was supposed to have a huge budget and be a straight up action flick. It got bumped due to a scheduling conflict, and he later passed on it. That movie? Beverly Hills Cop.

The Expendables will be awesome.

[quote]Vash wrote:

[quote]Pootie Tang wrote:
HOLY…SHIT! This is Jesus, Mohammed & Buddah in a bar room brawl against a bunch of Orcs, Siths and Terminators. Wait, but the bar is on fire, and, and its hanging at the edge of a cliff, and, and there is a zombie farm at the bottom of the cliff, and, and the zombies are having a switchblade fight against a bunch of Minotars! That is the level of awesome this movie is on. All they have to do is throw in bunch of topless titties for no reason and this movie will become the new constitution of the United States[/quote]

You mis-spelled Ork, motherfucker.

Also, truth.[/quote]

Not so.

The world is usually spelled “orc” starting with Tolkien (and the legend stories he drew from) and up to and including Dungeons and Dragons.

The only time I’ve seen the word spelled “ork” is in Warhammer.

And please believe me when I say I have an unbelievably extensive library of nerdy fantasy books.

(I’ll mention honorarily that the race of “Orken” does appear in a few works, including the Sovereign Stone trilogy by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. Worth noting is that in all of their other works [in all of the worlds of Dragonlance, Ravenloft, as well as others] they have used the traditional spelling of ‘orc.’)


it’s almost 5 in the morning here in Germany. And this movie’s sheer awesomeness has me wide awake. Great motivator before I start rucking!

[quote]John Romaniello wrote:

[quote]Vash wrote:

[quote]Pootie Tang wrote:
HOLY…SHIT! This is Jesus, Mohammed & Buddah in a bar room brawl against a bunch of Orcs, Siths and Terminators. Wait, but the bar is on fire, and, and its hanging at the edge of a cliff, and, and there is a zombie farm at the bottom of the cliff, and, and the zombies are having a switchblade fight against a bunch of Minotars! That is the level of awesome this movie is on. All they have to do is throw in bunch of topless titties for no reason and this movie will become the new constitution of the United States[/quote]

You mis-spelled Ork, motherfucker.

Also, truth.[/quote]

Not so.

The world is usually spelled “orc” starting with Tolkien (and the legend stories he drew from) and up to and including Dungeons and Dragons.

The only time I’ve seen the word spelled “ork” is in Warhammer.

And please believe me when I say I have an unbelievably extensive library of nerdy fantasy books.

(I’ll mention honorarily that the race of “Orken” does appear in a few works, including the Sovereign Stone trilogy by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. Worth noting is that in all of their other works [in all of the worlds of Dragonlance, Ravenloft, as well as others] they have used the traditional spelling of ‘orc.’)


My respect for you just increased tenfold.

i hope none of you are in the same movie theater as me because i plan on screaming like a little girl anytime anything blows up, or ahnald/sly/bruce/dolph show up on screen.

Sly and his crew will also have Angilina fine set of lips to go up against (just like the way that sounds) this is going to be a good summer for Action

[quote]John Romaniello wrote:
Vash wrote:
You mis-spelled Ork, motherfucker.[/quote]

Not so.

The world is usually spelled “orc” . . The only time I’ve seen the word spelled “ork” is in Warhammer.[/quote]

I was referrencing the Warhammer 40k race most associated with “more dakka,” what with it being a movie about modern-day Spess Meh-rhines.

And furthermore, despite Tolkien’s contributions to literature and society as a whole, and with all respect due both he for his works and you for your insane physique/giga-nerd accomplishments, fuck LotR. I have never been made to feel so unconcerned for a character’s or, in this case, a cast’s fate. At no point did I feel the possibility of the ring not making it to Mount Doom. Evil felt destined to lose, the world felt destined to return to piece. I finished the series only because of the comparison of Tolkien’s importance to that of the Bard. It was the rice cake of my literary diet.

Also, regarding the Experience, yes, I really keep a pair of sai in my gym bag.