Hi all,
I’ve enjoyed reading up on T replacement therapy and I’d like to share my details…
At the age of 28 i went to my GP complaining of tiredness, not feeling like myself and somewhat depressed, he prescribed a AD (Efexor 75mg) and sent me on my way… If i knew then what i know now i would have never started on this path, it’s been a horrible experience… fast forward 10+ years and 100 lbs heavier i had high blood pressure, they put me on BP meds and again sent me on my way…
I really tried to get my high BP on track and after several conversations with my Doc she stated that the Efexor might be causing it, so she switched me to Zoloft 50mg and at that time i tested at 241 ng/dL total T and 10.1 free T ng/dL, GP stated that i was in the normal range and that i was fine. Also tested Vit D and that was low so i’ve been taking 50,000units weekly.
I went in for my 6mos check up for Meds and she wanted to test my Vit D again so i asked if she could test my Testosterone again. Well to our surprise it was Low, 221 total ng/dl and 8.2 free t ng/dl. At this point she refereed me to a Endo and after meeting with her she stated that she is treating people with TRT and she wanted to do more blood work to figure out if it was my Pituitary or Testies that was causing the issue. At this point she checked my Prostrate and my Testicles to my surprise…
Age 40
Height 5’9
Waist 46
Weight 300
Body hair - chest and belly, not real thick, barely any hair in armpits, my Dad was the same way, facial hair is not real thick.
I carry the Fat pretty much in my upper body, stomach, and ass, legs are pretty muscular, i have a big frame.
On AD’s for the past 10 years, currently on Sertaline 50mg per day, vit d
CREATININE 1.03 0.72 - 1.25 mg/dL
PSA SCREEN 0.63 < 4.00 ng/mL
TESTOSTERONE,TOTAL 235 241 - 827 ng/dL
HEMATOCRIT 40.5 37.0 - 53.0 %
FSH 2.8 Undefined mIU/mL
PROLACTIN 20.3 3.5 - 19.4 ng/mL
CORTISOL, TOTAL 13.1 Undefined ug/dL
IGF-1 (SOMATOMEDIN C) 224 106 - 277 ng/mL
T4,FREE 0.80 0.70 - 1.80 ng/dL
TSH 2.03 0.35 - 4.94 UIU/mL
ALT (SGPT) 35 8 - 45 IU/L
GLUCOSE 111 65 - 100 mg/dL Fasting
Diet - I have a vitamix gren smoothie for breakfast every morning the rest of the day I eat ok i guess, it could be a lot better, I usually eat cereal before bed.
Training - just started NROL (new rules of lifting) just completed week 2
Testes don’t ache normally but sometimes after sex it does, doesn’t last long
She stated that my Prolactin was slightly elevated and that it could be the Zoloft causing it but she scheduled a MRI of my Pituitary to rule out any tumors.
Results of the MRI indicated no Tumor and everything looked good…
I started on T cyp injections this past Monday 12/31/2012 100mg per week…
I have not really felt much of a difference and it seems from reading on here that it might take some time…
My symptoms at this time
No Morning wood - haven’t had that in years
Erections are good - no loss of erections during intercourse.
There are times, especially in the morning that i can not ejaculate - Probably due to AD’s
I’m always tired, love to take naps
Severe Brain fog
Never want to go do things
I put it this way with the Endo… and i think it best describes my situation.
I’ve always been the guy that had no issues talking to anyone, starting conversations or in-gauging in them…
12+ years ago, i could walk into a room full of strangers and have the best time of my life and walk out of there with a few new friends… Now - I WOULDN’T STEP into that room.