250IU 3x weekly was enough for me. Probably could have done less, but it doesn’t keep that long anyway. Might as well use it up.
You don’t really need to increase the frequency or dose for any set amount of time. When they are back to normal, drop the dose and/or frequency to just what you need. If you try and stretch the vial, you might find you need to inject a little more towards the end.
Leave your T dose as is and from this point on cycle HCG 3 months on 3 months off. Keeps the boys nice and full most of the year this way. Plus the added T from cycling it is a plus without the need to up the T dose.
I was prescribed 1,000 units 3x a week! On top of 100 mg Test C, at which level I felt good. . From am m.d.! I asked if it would be OK to take 300 units. He said OK.
I was flying, but my total T was 1,300 with high hematocrit.
I tapered down, over time, to 80 units 3x a week. Hcg has short half life.
I tapered down to that level based on a paper reporting on a study of HCG mono therapy (no T). 500 units 3x a week produced way higher than normal levels, 250 units was around 25% above normal, 125 units a little below.
I had NO study data to support my reasoning, but I figured I’d just taper down to below the 125 because I did not really need higher T from HCG, just the benefits of HCG. At 80 units 3x I retained them.
Basic assumption: the lowest effective dose of androgenics, anabolics, and the like is usually the way to go, at least until there are long term studies.