Needing Some Good Advice!

Ok, guys! I’ve read enough not to piss anybody off, hopefully! My situation is confusing enough and I’ve only added to that with information overload! I turn 60 in 6 months! I’ve been working out off and on most of my life! I’ve decided I wanna get some gear!

I won’t post that info unless I’m asked to! I’m 6’2" 238 lbs. I’m wanting to do a Test E / D-dol cycle this will be my first cycle! I’ve researched and researched! I’ve studied sides what to do what to watch for! I would like an honest opinion on what an experienced user has to offer me!

Posted a pic, or tried to, maybe this will help with your advise! Should I wait any longer hoping to add more muscle? I mean at my age I’m not sure I’m even producing test anymore! Thanks guys for any advice! Appreciate you!

Dbol for 60 year old is too much of risk. Go with test only and stay on forever.
Find out more about TRT.
This is my opinion, i’m not a doctor for more ask advice from more qualified person.

Ok, that was a thought I had also! I respect that opinion! So 500ml a week a strong enough dose or too much? Hate that about the d-bol really wanted that kick start! Had read so much about the first cycle being the best! Any help would be appreciated! Thanks

Front load with prop. Stay away from dbol at your age. You obviously want the quick effects that’s the safe route. gigomoravacs right with the hrt route some are accepting certain insurance companies. There’s one I know of that will let you do blood work every 6 months and send all your shit out at once which leaves you some room to play around with some other aas. Just call around and research.

why is dbol so much of a no no at his age?

I would say liver toxicty of dbol would not make it worth doing. 500 could be fine,but then again maybe not depends on you psa numbers. Spend the 300 and see a hrt doc. 2 good things come out of a good doc. 1 you know where everything is and where you should go. 2 you get a vaild script. Which means you can drive around with a btl on your dash with no worries.

[quote]Paul33 wrote:
why is dbol so much of a no no at his age?[/quote]
Blood pressure, also for his age tren and deca definitely no.
The older you get the recovery gets more difficult.

[quote]gigomoravac wrote:

Find out more about TRT.

I second this. You don’t know where your TT is at, and that may be the problem. Get it checked by a doctor and if it’s low, (s)he’ll set you up.

Plan B
Run some low test around 200 mg/wk and give it 8 weeks then see how you feel.

One other thing; look into NAC for your liver. A good tip I am passing forward.

Ok, thanks guys! Appreciate all the help! Most of these things I did consider! Like blood pressure being a main concern! But I had a plan to abort if it got outta hand! But I will listen and take heed on this! Looking into HRT as we speak! Thanks…

[quote]Quill wrote:
Ok, thanks guys! Appreciate all the help! Most of these things I did consider! Like blood pressure being a main concern! But I had a plan to abort if it got outta hand! But I will listen and take heed on this! Looking into HRT as we speak! Thanks…[/quote]
You may not have to bail if your BP rises; Tadalafil may bring it down while keeping something else up. :wink:

Lol! Thanks will look into that also!