With the recent changing of the Spike formula into including Yohimbine HCL, a schedule F drug in Canada.
I have mentioned my two bottles of HOT-ROX Extreme being seized and held in Vancouver. When I contacted Canada Customs they told me of a new directive to crackdown on importation of yohimbine HCL.
I will however attempt to import a box of the new Spike as a test. Hell I’ll only be out 10 bucks if they take it. I will try with Fedex and USPS.
Does anyone have some suggestions to a useful substitute to Spike.
Also, if anyone has a stockpile of the old Spike and would like to sell, PM me.
I wish I would have had Spike when my boys were babies. All hospitals should send new mothers home with Spike. Well, maybe only the ones who are breastfeeding.
Is the new blister pack Spike sold in retail stores? Whats the MSRP, or more accuratly, what is the price at most Walmarts and other suplement stores? I’m thinking of getting like 5 or 6 packs if I go to Seattle.