Need Some Help (Powders)

I need some help from the powder guys.

Hypothetically, if a person - let’s call him Mr. Dumbass - had some powder that he wasn’t sure what it was, is there a way too tell what it is based on smell, or perhaps a melting point?

Mr. Dumbass swore he was out of test prop, but found 14 grams of it in a foil pouch labeled “TP”. He thinks it might be masteron powder instead.

He has some masteron, properly labeled, from a later purchase.

If he knew the MP of the prop and the masteron, could he definitively tell which was which if he sat both in an oven heated high enough to melt the powders?

Bushy - where are you?

Yes, melting point test will give you some idea about it, though it’s hard to be precise with kitchen ware because they’re not very accurate.

if I remember right masteron’s melting point is ~150 celcius degrees and testosterone propionate’s ~120 celcius.

edit: I talked outta my ass, masteron might be 128 celcius by googling.

edit: Drostanolone: Uses, Interactions, Mechanism of Action | DrugBank Online

[quote]DOOM wrote:
Yes, melting point test will give you some idea about it, though it’s hard to be precise with kitchen ware because they’re not very accurate.

if I remember right masteron’s melting point is ~150 celcius degrees and testosterone propionate’s ~120 celcius. [/quote]

Do you have a link for Mr. Dumbass?

He found the 150 thing as well, but not from a reliable source.

Looks like that 148-153 goes around in the same list for drostanolone / dromostanolone (base only?), but dromostanolone propionate is said to be 128 on some sources.

Mr. Dumbass is going with the 150 number, as he has consulted a highly knowledgeable individual and had that number corroborated.

Thanks a heap for your time DOOM. Mr Dumbass appreciates it.

Thanks, bushy.

What Mr. Dumbass wound up doing was putting the two powders in glass ramikens, preheating the oven to 225 F, and setting the ramikens in the oven. He gradually increased the heat until one of them began to melt. He knew at that point the melting powder was the test prop, and the non-melted was the masteron. Well - he knew that the non-melted powder was masteron to begin with - the question was whether or not the prop was indeed prop or masteron.

When the unknown melted before the known - it had to be different compounds, and therefore had to be prop.

Not as scientific as your method, Bushy - but we are talking about Mr. Dumbass here.