So here is what is up, I’m 5"11 and currently 320, graduated high school at 265-275. I’ve been heavy my whole life, always been semi strong, agile, mobile and hostile. Was a good runner for a fat guy, could jump for a fat guy, etc. I’ve always been into powerbuilding lifting heavy is fun, cardio blows so it’s not something I can say I like doing and do/did it often.
I started using AAS in my late teens, early 20’s and late 20’s (did GH late 20’s). Well over a year ago I start feeling really run down (sleeping 1-3 hours daily after work), not recovering as well as I used to and my weight got up to 353 and it was really difficult to drop weight. I had my test levels checked several times over the years since I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma back in 2000 (did 6 months of Chemo).
After chemo I got my test levels checked and they were 290 and I was told that was good, I was 30-31, then I did a few more checks over the years and it slowly decreased to 262, so I started therapy. I was doing 1 cc/ML a week of cyp 200 mg. I did this for 46 weeks and my levels were up to 1158, doc pulled me back to 3/4 cc/ML a week, I did that for 10 weeks and then decided I was sick of sticking my self in the ass and that I wasn’t seeing the weight loss and body comp I thought I should be seeing. So I wanted a better picture of my hormones. I went to an ENDO and did a full run down…
Here it is:
IGF-1 89 ng/ml range: 106-255
Comprehensive Metabolic:
Sodium 142 meq/l range: 133-145
Potassium 4.3 meq/l range: 3.3-5.3
Chloride 102 meq/l range: 93-108
Carb Dioxide 26.5 meq/l range: 23.0-33.0
Bun 13.1 mg/dl range: 6-20
Serum Creat 1.0 mg/dl range: 0.7-1.2
SGOT (AST) 44 iu/l range: 0-40
SGPT (ALT) 48 iu/l range: 0-41
ALK Phosphatase 78 iu/l range: 40-129
Bilirubin Tot 0.5 mg/dl range: 0.1-1.0
Calcium 9.7 mg/dl range: 8.4-10.2
Protein/Total 7.2 g/dl range: 6.0-8.4
Albumin-Serum 4.6 g/dl range: 3.5-5.2
eGFR, non-african > 60 ml/min range: >60
eGFR, afric/amer > 60 ml/min range: >60
Lipid Profile:
Cholesterol 209 mg/dl range: 0-200
Triglycerides 112 mg/dl range: 35-200
HDL 54 mg/dl range: 35-55
VLDL 22 mg/dl range: 0-75
LDL-calc’d 133 mg/dl range: 0-130
CHOL/HDL Ratio 3.9 -------> see line below
Range: Danerous = >13.5, High Risk = 6.5-13.4, Average Risk = 4.5-6.4, Below Average Risk = 3.5-4.4, Low Risk = <3.5
TSH 1.180 uIU/ml range: 0.270-4.200
Glucose/Fast 95 mg/dl range: 70-99
FSH 7.1 mIU/ml range: 1.5-12.4
LH 9.5 mIU/ml range: 1.7-8.6
Cortisol Random 12.8 ug/dl range: 4.0-22.0 (8:00 am - 10:00 am)
DHEA Sulfate 273 ug/dl range: 120-520
Estradiol 26 pg/ml range: 8-43
Testosterone 471 ng/dl range: 250-1100
Free Test % 1.26% range: 1.5-2.2
Test, Free 59.5 pg/dl range: 35.0-155.0
Vitamin D 25-oh 38 ng/ml range: 20-100
Vitamin D3 38 ng/ml
Vitamin D2 <4 ng/ml
I don’t have the other test results since I left them with my primary care doctor. I should have just stuck with the cyp or asked for gel and some anti-est to help out. As you can see everything is clinically NORMAL. I hate to use this word, but FUCK! I was thinking it was thyroid or something that could be out of wack. The only thing that is below it IGF, the Endo thinks it could be pituitary issue, whether that be a tumor or damage from using GH back in 1999! I’m not sure, but she wants and MRI, I don’t really think it’s useful at this time, because if they find it’s low/not producing and nothing else is the cause, then I’m stuck with doing GH therapy, but since I’ve had cancer in the past it’s a no go! I asked her about clomid, I read it can help bump the pituitary production (not sure on this though).
Anyway any help is appreciated and welcomed. I’m going to my primary again to see about getting on the gel or back on cyp, I just felt better daily and felt like I could function normally without feeling run down and coming home to take a nap everyday after work.