Sorry to hear your troubles and best of luck getting everything back on track in the near future!!
Although 200mg administered 1x weekly is not ideal, frequent injections at a lower dose is the best way to go. For example 3 shots of 60mg every 3rd day is a lot better than 1 big injection. Blood levels are more stable and you avoid the roller coaster.
Honestly from my limited knowledge 200mg once weekly is not poison territory at all. People on here have those doses spread out over multiple injections weekly. People doing steroid cycles have double that dose if not triple or more.
Probably the biggest issue that would need looking at is if the 200mg once a week is needed spread it out over at least 2 injections weekly or 3. So 100mg on Monday and 100mg on Thursday. Or do 60mg every 3 days which will be less than 200mg weekly but better on stability of blood values.
The reaction your Husband had might have been caused from the alcohol binge. Maybe the mix with testosterone really plays havoc with him. When was his testosterone shot in relation to his binge the same day, next day?
You mentioned that his behavior changed over the course several weeks. Do you have any blood work done over those weeks that you could post up? That would help a great deal to determine what other issues need looking at. Maybe other values are off and need attention because of the testosterone injections. This is not uncommon and it is advisable to have regular blood work done to determine what is needed in conjunction with the testosterone injections.
Without blood work results I think the boys here are going to find it hard to nail down the problem what caused your husbands mood change during those weeks.
To me it sounds like the alcohol was the biggest factor in all of this and the blame is getting put on the testosterone unfairly.
Ultimately Booze + Testosterone injections might not be handled well by your husbands body. So he might just have to really lay off the alcohol, adjust the dosage and injections and get blood work done while on TRT to check if anything is out of whack that needs additional attention.
This sticky has it all. Have a read and if you have questions post up.