Need Help - TRT (low Shgb AND high FSH)

Hi guys

Have a bit of a predicament. I have low SHGB (and slight insulin resistance ) around 13 which I believe indicates secondary.

I also have high (27 iuL) FSH which indicates primary. I’ve done a seman analysis and got zero sperm. I’ve done a kylfelters syndrome test as I have quite small testies but my results came back normal.

My natural test is around 300 and my free test is around 350. I’m on reandron (since I’m in aus) administered every 10-12 weeks but it gives me huge anxiety (probably huge e2 spike due to low SHGB) after injections. I’d like to split my dose but I don’t think my Endo is willing to let me.

I’m 28 years old and 6’2 and around 88kg relatively good shape.

I was wondering if anyone had any advice in terms of specific tests i should look into for the cause of all of this / or even treatment plans. I’m located in Perth Australia and can’t seem to find a doctor or Endo that’s willing to allow me to split my TRT.

I’m considering going off it and just living off my natural test levels again since after every injection I get anxiety, tinnitus, nipple sensitivity at times ect for the first few weeks and almost doesn’t feel worth it anymore.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Feel quite defeated.

Thanks guys

There won’t be much of a life in the near future with primary let alone secondary hypogonadism.

Your life will be agonizing and short.

You have lot’s of options with private testosterone prescriptions in Australia.

Adrian Zentner in Perth, Brisbane may or may not still be in business.

If you were able to get on one of the short acting esters, which offers a great deal of control, given your response so far to therapy, I would recommend starting out low, 70 mg split up 2-3 per week.

You may not even need high normal levels to achieve symptom relief.

Never heard of SHBG indicating type of hypogonadism. Low LH with low TT would suggest secondary. High LH with low TT would suggest primary. FSH is a function of sperm production, driven by LH signals as well.