I was wondering if KSMAN and all could take a look at my bloodwork results after being on TRT for 8 weeks. The protocol I’ve been using is 200 mg/wk test cyp, 250 IU HCG/eod, and 1 mg of Adex/wk (broken into 2 doses).
My CBC, Metabolic panel, and lipid panel all came back normal with the exception that my A/G ratio was a little high (2.9). What concerns me is my E2 came back low, barely within “normal range” (8.1). Doc really didn’t offer much help. Full results below:
TSH: 2.570 uIU/mL
T4: 7.2 ug/dL
T3 Uptake: 35 %
Free Thyroxine Index 2.5
Testosterone, serum >1500 high ng/dL
Free Testosterone (Direct) 17.9 pg/mL
Estradiol (Roche ECLIA mehodology): 8.1 pg/mL
Normally I would just cut the Adex dose down. But I notice when I do that my joints get creaky and I get sensitive nipples. Any advice would be great. My current plan is to cut the Adex dose for a month+ and get bloodwork done again. I’m wondering if I’m that sensitive to Adex that even getting bloodwork the day after I took some would bring me down that fast and that much???