I’ve never run HCG with no issues. Here is thread I started when I stopped my AI and reduced my dose. Tons of great info from our resident TRT Doc @physioLojik .
@physioLojik I reduced my TRT dose down to 250/week (pin 2x/week) and stopped all Adex about a month ago.
Got retested last week:
Testosterone, Total 852.4ng/dL Range 264.0 - 916
Free Testosterone (Direct) 28.9 pg/mL. Range 7.2 - 24.0
Estradiol Roche ECLIA methodology 66.9 pg/mL. Range 7.6 - 42.6
SHBG,Serum 14.1 nmol/L. Range 19.3 - 76.4
I know my E2 is high but I have no issues that I’m aware of. I have great erections, no emotional issues, strength is good. My question is: should I try…