Need Help Analyzing my Bloodwork ASAP

I need help with my blood work. I cannot take this to my doct as im in the military. Going to try see a specialist. But any advice i can see now would really help

Current protocol
Test prop 100mg x3 a week
Deca 200mg x2 a week
Armidex x3 a week

Feel like death. Have no energy at all. Sleep is awful, take sleeping tablets every night

Libido is high but erection quality is bad and really struggle to finish

Could you give us some background information? Like age, weight and other medications that you are taking?

Im not using any other medication. Im 25, 6ft3 and 101kg

There are far more knowledgeable people on this forum than myself, but it appears to me that either you Adex is no good or perhaps that you are a “hyper-aromatizer”. I believe bringing your estradiol will definitely help. Carbergoline or Dostinex will bring you prolactin down. Many people don’t seem to handle nandrolone very well. Perhaps dropping the deca this time and seeing how you respond to just the test is the best advice I can give. Unfortunately it has a lengthy half life so it could take some time for your symptoms to resolve if the deca is to blame.

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