I posted here a week ago about starting hcg. But I haven’t started because I’m clueless of how to go about it. I take test cyp 200mg weekly just one injection and I’m fine with this protocol but I don’t know how to fit hcg Into this regimen, is anyone experience enough to give some advice as on dosage and injections per week? I give myself the test shot on tuesdays. Thanks!
Why do you need it? Atrophy is overrated IMO. If you want to use it… 800-1000iu (TOTAL) split up throughout the week in 2 or 3 pins.
No, i don’t care about atrophy, I want to have kids in about 2 more years and also I did used it at the beginning of my trt and remember feeling better while using it maybe like sense of well being. You say 800 to 1000 iu. Does it matter what days if I take my t shot on tuesdays?
I would do 500 IU’s twice a week
Cool, what days do you suggest I do them if I take my t shot on tuesdays? I heard some people do their hcg at the end of the week but I also heard to space them out throughout the week