[quote]tGunslinger wrote:
Beowolf wrote:
The ratio is much more shifted towards the military than you’d expect.
Social Security alone is the largest single expenditure by our Federal gov’t.
Welfare and Social Security together cost far more than all military spending by our Federal gov’t.
Beowolf wrote:
And, for most people, helping the American poor pay for medication is more worthy a cause than freeing a people on the other side of the Earth.
This isn’t about the Iraq War, or even U.S. foreign policy.
The gov’t’s maintaining an army is a specific function of the federal gov’t explicitly listed in the Constitution. It’s what the gov’t is supposed to do.
The other two items are socialist items that the fed gov’t has no business doing, and are programs threatening to bankrupt our fed gov’t a few measly decades after they were chartered.
I am not morally opposed to ensuring that old people won’t starve and that someone between jobs should be able to buy groceries.
I am strongly opposed to our federal government doing so (as opposed to state government), and I am strongly opposed to our federal gov’t holding a gun to our heads and forcing tax-payers to pay for these items. I hate that these items are mandatory, and that refusal to pay results in jail time.
I hate that our federal gov’t has decided that my tax dollars are going to make sure that every man, woman, and child in the U.S. – citizen or not-- shall have a car, a PC, cable TV access, nice clothes, air conditioning, internet access, a dvd player, two color TV’s, and a cell phone. That’s poor?
My ass it’s “poor”, and it chaps my hide that I am forced to buy these luxury items for other people or face jail time.
It chaps my hide when people complain about the bloated fed gov’t, and the first thing they point at is the military, which is explicitly included in the Constitution as a responsibility of our federal gov’t, and ignore the elephant in the room that is an anchor around our fed gov’t debts.
Rather than cutting back on these two programs, they instead issue more debt, shake the magic money tree, and/or raise taxes. No, instead of reducing SS and Welfare, we should cut back on an already underfunded military.
I mean hell, who needs a military? Instead, we could spend all that money ensuring that every American has free HBO! [/quote]
Excellent post, except for the simple conclusion I must reach that since you propose the possibility of federalist solutions, you must therefore hate black people. :>