Should Imus be fired?
Um, maybe.
If I was to say something offensive at work, I would expect to lose my job. I wouldn’t consider it unfair or surprising, and I bet I’m not alone in that. I’m sure that’s how most peoples’ jobs are. Offending people is not good for business, in general. So I don’t know why Imus’ job situation should be all that different. Sure, he’s on the radio and there should be freedom of speech… but that doesn’t mean he has freedom to say something offensive and dumb. It’s really up to his bosses though.
I don’t listen to Imus so I don’t know if being crude is part of his routine. If it is, then that may give him some wiggle room… kind of like how South Park offends everyone, and that provides them with some cover from public criticism.
His whole schtick is to be offensive.
He should be fired if his sponsors/listeners don’t want him anymore.
I am not sure if it the nappy headed or the ho comment that has people more upset.
[quote]IronGame08 wrote:
Should Imus be fired?[/quote]
Yes, of course. Such language should never be tolerated from white people.
He should have said that they look like a street gang or a bunch of escapees fleeing a women’s prison, either one of which is an accurate description.
He should get a RAISE, for being honest and forthright with his gutter views. That’s what he’s THERE for.
Rosie insults the President and all those who died on 9/11 and the furor over her verbal diarrhea is over. People dying is a little more important than gutter racist talk.
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
He should get a RAISE, for being honest and forthright with his gutter views. That’s what he’s THERE for. [/quote]
Why am I not surprised that you’d side with the apologetics?
[quote]Headhunter wrote:
Rosie insults the President and all those who died on 9/11 and the furor over her verbal diarrhea is over. People dying is a little more important than gutter racist talk.[/quote]
No question there is a double standard.
Both remarks are stupid. Both were hired to make stupid remarks. Only one was suspended.
Any pictures of them?
And this is how in the year 2007 we began to lose our Free Speech…
I don’t listen regularly to Imus but I have heard snippets from previous programs and comments he made. His schtick is to be offensive/funny.
I think it’s ridiculous that Imus felt to cool the media heat, he should go to Sharpton to apologize. Apologize for what exactly? He made a joke about those girls-so what? Didn’t like the joke?-then don’t listen.
Why are all the black rappers who consistently refer to black women as “hos” apologizing to Sharpton? Why aren’t they being called upon to be fired? Where is the uproar over that?
Personally, I gave his comments about as much attention as the latest snippet about Anna Nicole and her fucked up family situation.
That is to say-none.
[quote]Zap Branigan wrote:
His whole schtick is to be offensive.
He should be fired if his sponsors/listeners don’t want him anymore.
I am not sure if it the nappy headed or the ho comment that has people more upset. [/quote]
agreed if they’re looking to fire him he should go. otherwise he’s really just doing his show isn’t he ?
i don’t think either “nappy head” or “ho” is all that offensive. it’s not exactly friendly language but it’s not that bad; they were calling each other “slut” an “whore” on the 70’s show last night. i think the people who are upset are mostly upset because of who said it.
[quote]jlesk68 wrote:
And this is how in the year 2007 we began to lose our Free Speech…[/quote]
Speech is still free, you just aren’t guaranteed your own printing press.
No he shouldn’t be fired.
His show is based on comedy and social commentary and satire. If you don’t like it don’t listen to it. That’s my opinion. He has said much worse in the past.
The girls did their talking on the court and made a much bigger statement about themselves, via their athletic performance, against National Level competition. What Imus said was just noise and shouldn’t be holding center stage. I think it’s sad that it takes away from their outstanding accomplishments and in reality they’ve already proved him wrong in numerous ways.
Somebody is drumming this up into something much bigger then it is.
[quote]Mick28 wrote:
hedo wrote:
Somebody is drumming this up into something much bigger then it is.
Now let me see who could that “somebody” be? Could it be all of the self-appointed unelected black “leaders?” Yes, I think that’s it.
and/or the media in general…
I just saw a press conference with the Rutgers team and coach. Look like a bunch of squared away kids with a lot of poise. They want to meet the guy (Imus) and show him what they’re about.
Sounds like a good idea. Don’t give him anymore mileage and take back your good name.
I think these kids look to their coach for leadership and it looks like their in good hands.
I think they should all gang up and call him a “scary-looking old fag” and call it even. Do it on TV so everybody gets equal coverage.
[quote]Mick28 wrote:
hedo wrote:
Somebody is drumming this up into something much bigger then it is.
Now let me see who could that “somebody” be? Could it be all of the self-appointed unelected black “leaders?” Yes, I think that’s it.[/quote]
Fox News is really running with the story. But Imus has ripped into O’Reilly before, so it seems like piling on.
I also agree that rappers calling girls bitches and ho’s is negative, and maybe a bigger problem than what Imus said. Yeah most people can enjoy it on a superficial level as entertainment, but you have 10 year old kids calling girls bitches and ho’s in school now.
The reason Imus is apologizing is probably because he doesn’t want to be categorized as a Michael Savage-type commentator (and that’s probably not what the network hired him to be, either).
I think there are bigger issues to grapple with…
[quote]Cunnivore wrote:
I think they should all gang up and call him a “scary-looking old fag” and call it even. Do it on TV so everybody gets equal coverage.[/quote]
Then a little one on one…no blood no foul.
[quote]Mick28 wrote:
Now let me see who could that “somebody” be? Could it be all of the self-appointed unelected black “leaders?” Yes, I think that’s it.[/quote]
I agree, I thought it was funny that he apologized to Al Sharpton and that Jesse Jackson had any input on the issue at all. In this case, the racism argument is pretty weak.
- It’s all grand-standing in the first place. How many viewers listen to Imus’ show and heard the apology on Sharpton’s? If Sharpton and Imus wanted “justice” rather than ratings apologies would’ve been more direct or aptly distributed rather than just spewing insults and apologies.
Also, I can’t speak for each and every one of the offended players, but I wouldn’t be surprised to find that prior to Imus’ statements, most of the ladies in question didn’t know who he was. I didn’t.
As hedo said, they played well and the rest is trash talk. Winning the title and then whining about a meaningless radio talk show host is pretty unsporting.
As implicitly racist as the statement might be, it was explicitly sexist. Funny to think that Sharpton and Jackson wouldn’t have cared had he used ‘cunts’ instead of ‘hos’ and ‘shitty-haired’ instead of ‘nappy-headed’.