Ok, maybe the name “duraplex” threw some people off (after all it does sound like a pro hormone). Nandralone phenylpropinate, anybody? There’s got to be someone out there with experience with this compound! Obviously it’s a fast acting deca, but I need some real world experiences!
[quote]mbaina wrote:
Thanks Bushy, direct and to the point!
Hey M,
If you do a search on the 3 week cycle I believe it was called, Bushy would remember better, there was a decent lot of us “experimenting”, and a good number of lab rats were in fact using this compound, albeit with another one or two also. Dave used it more than once, I believe with only one other compound on at least one run, if I remember correctly.
if you go by the descriptions on steroid info sites the differences between Deca and NPP are:
much shorter acting
doesn’t seem to cause nearly as much supression of libido
doesn’t seem to cause nearly as much weight/strength gain
doesn’t seem to cause as much water retention.
Basically reports are that it is an overall milder version.
I have never used it but a friend is about to start a prop/npp/var cycle (75/50/60mg/d respectively) so hopefully i will see a “real world” example soon.
Fast acting is relative. Its still a nine carbon ester making it longer than enathate’s 7 and cypionate’s 8. Probably still looking at E3D or twice a week for stability.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Well have a look at this article which shows that injection site and volume as well as ester length play very important roles in plasma levels.
BTW, I have tried to find the data on ester length and number of carbon molecules. Can you please link to your source Sapasion?
So if this is faster acting, would that mean it leaves the system and does not “hang about” for up to a year the metabolites? Sorry if it is a stupid question I’m just wanting to learm more about all steroids.
thanks guys.
Ive ran NPP many times in my cycles. The first couple times I ran it ed or eod at 100mgs. My last two cylces that I included it in I ran it mon-wed-fri at 100mg per day.
I was always under the impression that the phenyl prop half life was just a little longer than the propianate ester but not buy much.
I Know Prisoner has experience with NPP maybe he can chime in.
An ester’s physical properties will be affected by its molecular arrangement. And the “phenyl” part of that ester is a ring of carbons and NOT a linear chain from which one carbon is cleaved off at a time.
So that’s why this is a shorter ester and a much closer cousin to prop than the longer esters.
PhenylPropinate = a phenyl group(6 carbon ring with 3 double bonds) attached to a propinate chain(3 carbon chain) = 9 Carbons.
Not sure if thats what you were asking but thats my contribution. If the half life is indeed short it would seem to indicate that the phenyl group is removed differently(Ie: quicker) than linear carbons, meaning you essentialy have a 3 carbon prop ester with a quickly removed phenyl group. This would lead to half lifes that resemble that of other propinates.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Well have a look at this article which shows that injection site and volume as well as ester length play very important roles in plasma levels.
BTW, I have tried to find the data on ester length and number of carbon molecules. Can you please link to your source Sapasion?