Alright, as I posted in another thread, I am taking MyogenX, which is formulated by Anthony Roberts. The product contains Fadogia Agrestis (pubmed article exists), Vit E, and Zinc.
The main reason I’m taking this product is to boost T levels with doing mid-distance running. I find once I get around a certain mileage, I get tired easily and there’s a drop in libido, which could signal low T-levels.
There are other reviews at other boards and people take anywhere from 3 to 6 caps/day. In the study, with 18mg/kg/day, there was a 100% increase in T levels in the rats. I haven’t read too much of anybody actually taking 3/day, so I went with that first. Currently I’m 190 lbs, so 3 caps puts me just below (50 mg) of the 18 mg/kg protocol. I also wanted to keep dosage lowered because there have been reports of slight gyno and I have an existing case of pubertal gyno already.
After the first 2 days of taking myogenx, I noticed pumps in my arms and back while running. Basically felt like I just got done with a back and arms workout.
The next 2 days were off day (weekend) in which I did no running.
Days 5-6 were chest and back days with 4 and 6 mile runs. Again, while I’m running I have this feeling that my arms/shoulders/back are pumped. Two days after chest day and usually my shoulders and chest are pretty sore, but the soreness isn’t really existent. Also, while I’m lifting I’ve noticed I can handle a bit more weight or what I’ve been doing has become a little easier.
As far as libido goes, days 1 through 3 were about the same and the change came with day 4. Increased libido, a little more energy than usual. Right now, I can compare the libido and feeling of “well-being” to that of running TRIBEX gold for a couple weeks.