My Order With The Cat

So I sent off my money 2months ago and got nothing.

I figure that one of two things happened:

  1. nothing was actually sent
  2. customes nabbed it

My question is how long does it take customes to send me a notice that they found my stash?

Could take weeks to months. If your order was that small they might not even send you one.

Does your postman appear to be getting bigger lately?

I’ve never heard of one of his packages getting nabbed. Got mine in 10 days in Western Canada which is supposedely one of the tightest customs in the world.

He has domestic remailers.

Have you contacted the cat about this yet? I don’t think there is a more stand up guy in the community that RC.

[quote]rainjack wrote:
He has domestic remailers.

Have you contacted the cat about this yet? I don’t think there is a more stand up guy in the community that RC. [/quote]

There excellent. It will be fixed.

I get all my stuff from the cat. Standup guy, excellent service and professionalism. Mail him. He will respond and will most probably remail you if necessary. My order took 3 days to get.

I hope we talk about the same cat? RC is mine.


ordered once from the cat (rc). got it in about a week and a half. his service is good…although i havent eaten my stuff yet.

Yea I’m talking about RC and I’ve only heard good things about him. I sent him a message but he said he wouldn’t be able to do much unless I got a letter from customes, thats why I ask.

Haha who knows maybe my mailman jacked it!

Was your order for paper, or vials/tablets?

He’s come through for me promptly on paper.

There r a few phony email address that r very close to the actual RC account, hopefully u didnt send ur cash to one of those.

I got a recent order from him. Also, I know he was on holiday and should be back now. Email him. He will fix…good guy, real stand-up and for a long time from what I have read and hear.