My New Music Mix


I just uploaded my most recent DJ Set. I would love feedback from as many people as possible.


Cheers Scott

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it works for me…

copy and paste it into your browser…

Good work Scott - Listening to it now and I’ll be adding it to my collection in the car.

i like it for cardio… i have another “harder” mix if anybody wants me to upload it that keeps even 60 min rows interesting. lol

[quote]thosebananas wrote:
i like it for cardio… i have another “harder” mix if anybody wants me to upload it that keeps even 60 min rows interesting. lol[/quote]

What do you mean by harder? Rock?

Ok …I have been spinning for 15 years …I also produce tracks as well. I’ll give it a listen. I will also give you an honest response. PM or on here?

whatever you think man. stick it on here and lets get an discussion going. i think the first 2 tracks are fun, then the rest is pish untill track 11 onwards. track 20 and 34 are my personal favourite.

harder as in more techno/electro. as in faster BPM and bass driven beats.

[quote]jchenky wrote:
thosebananas wrote:
i like it for cardio… i have another “harder” mix if anybody wants me to upload it that keeps even 60 min rows interesting. lol

What do you mean by harder? Rock?

if you like rock download the current mix… and listen to track 34. i think u will like it… a acdc remix of my own. :smiley:

post up the harder one.

what kind of techno is it, hardbass?

the idea of this cd is like a “taster” for a new club night im tryin to put together.

so the first 2 mins are what most ppl are all going at least listen to so i wanted to get everything in.

no probs ill stick it up later. ive got to go stand in the cold now and hand out flyers.


what do people think are the stand out tracks?

i like the elton john remix and the acdc remix for a change of direction.

also the Valerie with insomnia dropped over the top gets EVERYBODY dancing and catches them off guard.