Hey all, new member but I’ve lurked for quite a while. I’ll try to keep this short and sweet.
I’m 25, I’ve been lifting for almost 7 years now. I’m 5’9", ~185 lbs, 12-15% BF.
I’m graduating from college and getting my first job. I’ll be doing some sort of drug test for this in the coming months. This will entail a hair follicle test, urine, potentially blood test, I’m not really sure what to expect.
Anyways, my diet is in order. I count using record calories (great app). Here’s what I was eating at the beginning of my last bulk:
2945 cal - 350g protein, 275g carbs, 107g fat.
I can list the foods if necessary.
My plan:
Keep it simple.
8 week cycle
W 1-8: 150mg test prop EOD
W 1-8: Arimidex on hand
W 8-12 (PCT): Nolvadex 20/20/10/10
Planned diet:
3500 cals to start (will change depending on weight/mirror changes)
Keep close to a 40/30/30 split
I’m planning on training 5-6 days per week.
W 1-4: 6-8 rep sets, focus on strength gains, push/pull schedule
W 4-8: 10-12 rep sets, switch to back/tris, chest/bis, calves/hams, quads/shoulders
I’m concerned about my drug screening. I’ll be working in a technical field for a large corporation. This is the reason for going with test p over test e (quicker in and out of the body) and the short length of my cycle. I’ve read that it is highly unlikely that a company will test for this, but it is possible. Do you think I should be concerned?
How does the length of my cycle look, and is the PCT appropriate?
Thanks in advance for any feedback. It is greatly appreciated.
I highly doubt they will be testing for gear. It’s expensive. Just a side note, the test my be out of your system but serms and AIs will be.
Cycle length is fine. Run the adex, .25mg EOD. Start pct a week after last pin, 40/40/20/20. I prefer to taper of serms if you wanted, 40/40/20/20/10/10
90% of employment related drug tests will not check for AAS, expensive and they’re more looking for drugs that affect mental performance (at least in my experience) so unless you like meth pre-workout you should be mine.
Easiest PCT is nolva 20mg/day for 4 weeks which is what most will reccomend, or as BUD suggested 6 weeks 40/40/20/20/10/10 is more effective.
I highly doubt they will be testing for gear. It’s expensive. Just a side note, the test my be out of your system but serms and AIs will be.
Cycle length is fine. Run the adex, .25mg EOD. Start pct a week after last pin, 40/40/20/20. I prefer to taper of serms if you wanted, 40/40/20/20/10/10[/quote]
I have looked for what this company specifically tests for and have found nothing that suggests they’d tested for gear of any sort. I think I’m in the clear there, but I just wanted some second opinions.
Is there a reason that you like to taper like that or is it a matter of personal preference?
Also, I should note that I will be getting bloodwork done before and after the cycle. I forgot to mention that in the OP.
[quote]DoctorJekyll wrote:
90% of employment related drug tests will not check for AAS, expensive and they’re more looking for drugs that affect mental performance (at least in my experience) so unless you like meth pre-workout you should be mine.
Easiest PCT is nolva 20mg/day for 4 weeks which is what most will reccomend, or as BUD suggested 6 weeks 40/40/20/20/10/10 is more effective.[/quote]
Haha, no meth pre-workout here. Just some cheap stuff from WalMart.
I highly doubt they will be testing for gear. It’s expensive. Just a side note, the test my be out of your system but serms and AIs will be.
Cycle length is fine. Run the adex, .25mg EOD. Start pct a week after last pin, 40/40/20/20. I prefer to taper of serms if you wanted, 40/40/20/20/10/10[/quote]
I have looked for what this company specifically tests for and have found nothing that suggests they’d tested for gear of any sort. I think I’m in the clear there, but I just wanted some second opinions.
Is there a reason that you like to taper like that or is it a matter of personal preference?
Also, I should note that I will be getting bloodwork done before and after the cycle. I forgot to mention that in the OP.[/quote]
Well some can experience an estrogen rebound when just stopping a SERM at the end of pct. As well as I think just like any other drug you should taper off it.
I highly doubt they will be testing for gear. It’s expensive. Just a side note, the test my be out of your system but serms and AIs will be.
Cycle length is fine. Run the adex, .25mg EOD. Start pct a week after last pin, 40/40/20/20. I prefer to taper of serms if you wanted, 40/40/20/20/10/10[/quote]
I have looked for what this company specifically tests for and have found nothing that suggests they’d tested for gear of any sort. I think I’m in the clear there, but I just wanted some second opinions.
Is there a reason that you like to taper like that or is it a matter of personal preference?
Also, I should note that I will be getting bloodwork done before and after the cycle. I forgot to mention that in the OP.[/quote]
Well some can experience an estrogen rebound when just stopping a SERM at the end of pct. As well as I think just like any other drug you should taper off it.
I’m ~3 weeks into my cycle and I must say things are going quite well. Strength and workout intensity are up and my weight is up as well. I’ve been pinning 150mg EOD as I had planned - rotating between quads and glutes. I had some pip the first time I injected each site, but things have been smooth since then with only very minor soreness occurring at the injection sites. The sides have been minimal so far, oily skin and some hair loss when I shower but really nothing that I’m concerned about. The AI dosage seems to be working quite well, thanks for the help on that!
So, with the middle of my cycle coming up, I’m beginning to plan my mid cycle blood work. With prop being such a short ester, there seems to be conflicting views on time from pin to blood work in order to obtain accurate results. I have heard some time frames as short as 2-3 hours post-pin, and some as long as 30 hours post-pin. What do you all think is a reasonable length of time?