Hi everyone - excuse the long post (if you want to skip it the main bits are in bold)
[b]I am 21yrs old, have been training properly for 4 years (eating properly for about 2),
am 238lbs and 5’10" at around 12%BF. I have a good grasp of how I respond to different types of
training and diet. I am no powerlifter but my lifts on the big 3 are
315lbs bench for reps
350 squat for reps
400lbs dead for reps
(reps being around 3-5)[/b]
In the past I have trained steadily and consistently but have
made my biggest gains in bursts. This is because I am currently
studying dentistry and so when I get a small holiday I really go for it (usually HFT) then
go back to steady gaining (this is relevant bear with me).
Currently (and for the foreseeable furture) I am DCing and am loving it. I make my best gains
with abbreviated Upper/lower workouts EDT style, usually 30min sessions 5/6 days per week. Obviously
this doesn’t leave a lot of time for studying (and I have this years finals soon) hence the
3x per wk DC training (which has me gaining consistently).
**** I do not intend on starting a cycle just yet. I have set myself certain goals to reach before I
“reward” myself with my first cycle (in terms of lifts). I expect to meet these goals by the time I am 22 (at the latest).
My strength and weight is consistently going up. I am eating generally 4500+ Kcals on training days and around 3000kcals
on off days. I am comsuming less carbs on off days.
Why do I wish to use steroids you ask? I obviously have not reached my natural limit yet (if such a thing exists). I am willing to use steroids at a younger than usual age
because (correct me if I’m wrong) recovery of the HPTA is easier, and to be honest I am looking at competing in strongman
and want to do the best I can, the quickest I can.
I can certainly continue to make gains for YEARS to come naturally, but to be quite honest
I want them quicker and I want enhanced recovery and the plethora of other benefits from high Test. I use a lot
of test boosters (cycled) and have had my total test measured at 479 (during a DC cruise, I’m guessing during heavy training it’s much lower than this).
Originally after a little reading a pair of 2 on 2 off oral cycles sounded a good way to “test the waters”.
However a test based cycle seems like the best method to avoid depression and sexual sides. Please correct me if I’m wrong (esp tonebone given all your experience in this field).
[b]I would like to keep things fairly simple during my first cycle, and I have 2 different cycles I would like some critique on;
1.(a shorty)
Week 1-6 500mg Test Prop/wk (front load with 1000mg during the first week)
week 1-6 adex 0.25mg EOD (to start with and modify as req’d)
(injecting ED)
week 1-12 500mg Test E/wk (front load with 1000mg during the first week)
week 1-12 adex 0.25mg EOD (to start with and modify as req’d)
(injecting EOD)
I will also have nolva on hand for use during either cycle if req’d.
As PCT for both cycles I am intrigued by P22’s test taper. I do not however wish to stay on for longer than necessary
if this is going to make recovery harder. I understand (perhaps incorrectly) that I will not need the “stasis” portion of the taper if I am just using test,
and so can immediately start to drop from 100mg downwards… [/b]
Otherwise I will be using nolva for 2weeks or 4weeks respectively (I’ll have a larger supply than required as a precaution)
Nolva (if not using taper) will start 5 days after cycle 1 OR 12 days after cycle 2, tapering from 40mg ed to 5mg ed.
I am well versed (and practised) in IM injections due to my dental course (you wouldn’t believe the amount of “medicine” we
get put through…
Ok everyone let rip…