[quote]Yogi wrote:
[quote]Mc777 wrote:
[quote]cycobushmaster wrote:
[quote]Mc777 wrote:
I see this is poorly planned, I cannot understand how you would start something and then ask what to do, as many researched for a while before even proposing a cycle. I will go against the grain here though, other than using clomid and nolva during the cycle, I don’t know why everyone is acting like a low dose of deca with slightly above a TRT dose of test is going to ruin someones sex organ(s). Thats pretty mild and sides should be minimal, if it were a properly planned cycle. I mean, nolva has its use during cycle, no need for the clomid, unless merely for ejaculatory volume on an as needed basis. Its poorly planned, yes, and it does appear to be a troll(ish) post, however there is nothing wrong with these doses (albeit they are mild- and should be increased.) To run trt dose with deca should minimize estro, which in theory would minimize deca sides, while providing a solid enough test dose for good functioning. [/quote]
Deca increases prolactin, not estrogen, hence the sexual side effects.
Nolva has no place on a cycle these days with the affordability and availability of aromatase inhibitors. it also might aggravate issues with Deca, as some claim it increases progesterone-like activity…
i agree, if this is more of a “TRT” cycle, then the doses aren’t too bad, but if they’re not and the goal is maximal strength/size, then the doses suck, the planning sucks and the cycle sucks.
Flip gave prolly the best advice one could give for salvaging the cycle…[/quote]
I agree to scrap the cycle… but I thought prolactin does not necessarily cause problems unless in the presence of high estrogen levels. I did read that about nolva, that it may increase progesterone activity, but Ive noticed personally that i can handle 20 mg of nolva every other day than i do AIs. Im pretty sensitive to even low doses of AI’s. I agree with your post, it just gets me how people are so scared of DECA, and act like it will ruin you forever. Its a powerful steroid that blows you the hell up. I mean, I wouldn’t run it and expect an easy recovery, but I blast and cruise. I wouldn’t recommend it if one were not blasting and cruising. This guy should scrap the cycle, I agree. [/quote]
we’ve had a number of posters on this site alone - including me - that experienced serious long term problems from deca[/quote]
I love deca. Bout to jump on some 
But I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone that wasn’t experienced or doesn’t b/c