My Fiancee is Struggling Desperately to Lose Weight

You had your Fiancee do blood test why exactly?

Put her on a strict regiment of d-bol 25 mg. twice a day, squats and a gallon of milk per day.

She’ll have dat Brazilian ba-donk-a-donk in 8-10 weeks.

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Was this it ?


This thread was awesome!!





May be the best reply ever.


It’s May again too, just 2021 this time! :joy:

WTF?!? :rofl:

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summer is coming…hahaha he is hungry for someone else than his gf

Yeah, I remember that one haha.

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Weight issues usually come after marriage, not before.
If she’s having all these issues already you need to ditch her. Find someone who doesn’t need to desperately lose weight.
Be honest, be respectful, and tell her you don’t have the money to pay a surgeon to have a 95 pound mole taken off her ass.

(Sorry I’m rewatching the Sopranos)

skyzyks, she has a gigantic booty now… she just wants to lose weight

Carl, both me and her were curious if she had fukked up metabolism. She did all the tests for health and blood tests and doctor said she was perfectly healthy.

You have your answer.

She burst in tears because she cheated and feels bad and guilty.

Or you’re a troll

Lol… well if it’s actually the same guy from the original thread. Last I understood multiple accounts is a major no…no. @Chris_Colucci might have something to say.

Well there wasn’t much wrong with it before.

So, if I’m hearing you right, since last may she has been exercising and cutting cals, but it hasn’t been enough?

Dude this is almost verbatim from last year. Should have let him post the pic and see if he uses the same one.

Maybe she made some improvement since last year.
Post 2020 pic and a 2021 pic.

gigantic booty :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Mate - you have less credibility than a North Korean news broadcast.

Ahhhh the “I must have broken my metabolism because I can’t lose weight and I only eat air” threads…

A quick google of starvation experiments shows that the body will keep losing if you’re in a deficit no matter what you say or think.



I genuinely used to think people could consume laughably small portions and their metabolism would prevent them from losing weight, so the original thread was at least informative for me. Finding out the original was trolling and then seeing this is just interesting - what inspires somebody to just make stuff up out of thin air over the course of years?

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