[quote]A-Town Crown wrote:
I’m definately a bulker. On the 12th My order will go as follows:
3 tubs of Surge
3 bottles of Carbolin 19
2 bottles of TRIBEX
1 bottle of Methoxy-7
1 tub of Creatine
1 tub of Power Drive
1 box of Bars (Rocky Road), lol
I have 3 months worth of Grow! but I cant take any of these for awhile so I’ll have to order 10 more tubs next month (just hope it’s in stock). I get paid once a month so I have to stock up before I spend my money just so it’s done. I hope it’s all still in stock then.
Is it reasonable to take creatine during that time or lay off it till I’m done. I figure it should help with workout endurance but I’m not sure.
Sorry, I’m not trying to hijack.
I know that supps are a lot cheaper in the US than they are over here but one of my rules is to make sure that my food bill is bigger than my supplement bill.
[quote]helga wrote:
A-Town Crown wrote:
I’m definately a bulker. On the 12th My order will go as follows:
3 tubs of Surge
3 bottles of Carbolin 19
2 bottles of TRIBEX
1 bottle of Methoxy-7
1 tub of Creatine
1 tub of Power Drive
1 box of Bars (Rocky Road), lol
I have 3 months worth of Grow! but I cant take any of these for awhile so I’ll have to order 10 more tubs next month (just hope it’s in stock). I get paid once a month so I have to stock up before I spend my money just so it’s done. I hope it’s all still in stock then.
Is it reasonable to take creatine during that time or lay off it till I’m done. I figure it should help with workout endurance but I’m not sure.
Sorry, I’m not trying to hijack.
I know that supps are a lot cheaper in the US than they are over here but one of my rules is to make sure that my food bill is bigger than my supplement bill.[/quote]
Yeah and in this guy’s case I hope he eats a shitload of food…
[quote]A-Town Crown wrote:
I’m definately a bulker. On the 12th My order will go as follows:
3 tubs of Surge
3 bottles of Carbolin 19
2 bottles of TRIBEX
1 bottle of Methoxy-7
1 tub of Creatine
1 tub of Power Drive
1 box of Bars (Rocky Road), lol
I have 3 months worth of Grow! but I cant take any of these for awhile so I’ll have to order 10 more tubs next month (just hope it’s in stock). I get paid once a month so I have to stock up before I spend my money just so it’s done. I hope it’s all still in stock then.
Is it reasonable to take creatine during that time or lay off it till I’m done. I figure it should help with workout endurance but I’m not sure.
Sorry, I’m not trying to hijack.
I can’t belive that I’m still the only one reccomending a Spike+Power Drive stack. Its awsome.
So, if your spending that much, get a bottle of Spike as well.
Also, there’s no reason to stop taking creatine (especially if you are bulking). Its dirt cheap, and, if following Dave Barr’s suggestions, you only need 3 grams of creatine in a post-workout drink.
I know that supps are a lot cheaper in the US than they are over here but one of my rules is to make sure that my food bill is bigger than my supplement bill.
Ya, Grow! and countdown was the first supps I ordered. All of my intake needs will be met. If I knew 5 years ago what I know now I’d be 50% bigger than I am today. My favorite thing to do is make huge pots of spaghetti and microwave it. I eat off of it for days. Basically the calorie calculator says I need 4k cals.
What do you guys think about my creatine question. Take it with those or save it till I’m done with the stack.
So, if your spending that much, get a bottle of Spike as well. [/quote]
I have a bottle of Spike and Its really not a product for me. A few times where I would take 2 tabs I’d want to go take a nap an hour or two later. I’m sure Power Drive will be good though.
I know that supps are a lot cheaper in the US than they are over here but one of my rules is to make sure that my food bill is bigger than my supplement bill.
Ya, Grow! and countdown was the first supps I ordered. All of my intake needs will be met. If I knew 5 years ago what I know now I’d be 50% bigger than I am today. My favorite thing to do is make huge pots of spaghetti and microwave it. I eat off of it for days. Basically the calorie calculator says I need 4k cals.
What do you guys think about my creatine question. Take it with those or save it till I’m done with the stack. [/quote]
My general attitude is that if it works for you, take it. It is a cheap supp and is being shown lately (as referenced in some recent articles here) to have more benefits that just with muscle gains.
I am at a point where I am taking very little supps at any point in time so that I can see what actually has any effect on me and what doesnt.
My thoughs with your situation would be, how do you know what is working and what isnt (as with comments on the initial posters position).
Further, one thing that I truly belive and which has been said by many of the authors is that your diet, training and attitude probably account for 97% of your results.
Dont get me wrong, I take supplements, I love the ones that I take, but dont take them just because you can. Finally, work out what supps work. If one doesnt work for you, dont spend your money on it.
Also, take a good look at the quantities you’re buying. It’s recommended that you take some of the supplements for at least a month before you’ll start seeing results. Is what you’re ordering really going to do it for you?
Perhaps focus on a couple key elements and make sure you’re stocked up on those, making sure to use them as add-ons to an already impressive training and nutrition plan.
Good looking out guys. The supps that I’m buying, I’m saving. I know how dumb it is to waste them when I don’t need them. I use them as motivation cause I want to get to the point where I should take them.
Spike wasn’t really my cup of tea. I’m pumped to get some Power Drive though. I just wish Flameout, ZMA, and Grow! Would get back in stock. Any sales like the 12.50 Grow! would be nice too (hint hint).