[quote]law8 wrote:
Did anyone see that episode where they showed ‘grabbing’? That was pretty fucked up.[/quote]
Was that the one where the friend of the girl getting “grabbed” just walked off and said, well too bad she can handle it? It’s like an culturally accepted assault. I can’t believe those girls don’t give the guy a quick knee to the balls.
[quote]rugggby wrote:
You realise brad pitts character was based on travellers? Not the other way round.
All this time I was under the impression that all of those people watched Snatch, loved Brad Pitts character and decided to model their entire culture after it. Boy was I wrong.[/quote]
Well you did seem pretty shocked- typing the guys are all like brad pitt out of snatch, that kinda implied you had no idea about these law abiding citizens
[quote]law8 wrote:
Did anyone see that episode where they showed ‘grabbing’? That was pretty fucked up.[/quote]
Was that the one where the friend of the girl getting “grabbed” just walked off and said, well too bad she can handle it? It’s like an culturally accepted assault. I can’t believe those girls don’t give the guy a quick knee to the balls.[/quote]
[quote]rugggby wrote:
You realise brad pitts character was based on travellers? Not the other way round.
All this time I was under the impression that all of those people watched Snatch, loved Brad Pitts character and decided to model their entire culture after it. Boy was I wrong.[/quote]
Well you did seem pretty shocked- typing the guys are all like brad pitt out of snatch, that kinda implied you had no idea about these law abiding citizens[/quote]
hahaha I was just fucking with you man… I put that reference in because almost everyone has seen Snatch and they would instantly be able to relate ya know?
[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:
Watched two “episodes” on youtube where they were talking to one guy who’s retired from being a “successful bare knuckle boxer”. The guy looked tough as nails, but he had no scarring on his face and his hands looked normal. Thought that to be odd. They also talked about how most venues won’t host gypsy weddings due to the impending violence, and that there are no formal invitations and they just drive around from church to church until they find it. This one dude’s dad didn’t even know where his son was getting married, so they just drove around until they found it.[/quote]
He was in court a few months ago and said he made everything up for the TV cameras
[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:
Watched two “episodes” on youtube where they were talking to one guy who’s retired from being a “successful bare knuckle boxer”. The guy looked tough as nails, but he had no scarring on his face and his hands looked normal. Thought that to be odd. They also talked about how most venues won’t host gypsy weddings due to the impending violence, and that there are no formal invitations and they just drive around from church to church until they find it. This one dude’s dad didn’t even know where his son was getting married, so they just drove around until they found it.[/quote]
He was in court a few months ago and said he made everything up for the TV cameras[/quote]
Ah… that’s disappointing. I actually appreciated that he was one of the few males on the show willing to show his face. I really liked his brawling background stories.
Dirty pikeys. They make their money from ripping off old people. Taking their money for construction type jobs then not doing them or fucking them up. Alot of them sell drugs. They’ll steal your pets, rob your house, they’re the people who set fightworks off under cars or aimed at houses. And that’s just for starters. I don’t watch the show cause i know what they’re actually like.
[quote]SuperAlienFreak wrote:
Dirty pikeys. They make their money from ripping off old people. Taking their money for construction type jobs then not doing them or fucking them up. Alot of them sell drugs. They’ll steal your pets, rob your house, they’re the people who set fightworks off under cars or aimed at houses. And that’s just for starters. I don’t watch the show cause i know what they’re actually like.[/quote]
Yeah I watched it, pretty decent portrayal but missed out a lot of the iffy stuff.
The biggest gypsy fair in europe comes to my city every year, when they’re stuff gets robbed left right and centre!
There is a lot of hostility and I’ve had the pleasure of working in nightclubs during ‘gypsy season’
Last year i acctually voulenteered to help at the travellers school set up bY the local counsil of wherever they are staying, I spent a week teaching rugby and maths, it was a real eye opener, I met a lot if dedicated and kind individuals and some lovely kids. But for the most part the adults lived in a cruel and violent world, the ‘outside trouble’ like the burglaries and drugs are supposedly due to the ‘hangers on’ that follow the fair and ruin things for the actual fair families.
However there are some real nasty characters with the fair too!
WHAT? THE? FUCK? So in that culture literally grabbing an unwilling partner and manhandling her into submission like an insubordinate dog is not only accpeted, it’s encouraged? Let me repeat: WHAT? THE? FUCK?
WHAT? THE? FUCK? So in that culture literally grabbing an unwilling partner and manhandling her into submission like an insubordinate dog is not only accpeted, it’s encouraged? Let me repeat: WHAT? THE? FUCK?[/quote]
the really sad thing is that the pikeys (people who think theyre gypsies, but aren’t) didn’t have a clue about this until the show. So now they all do it.
Ah… that’s disappointing. I actually appreciated that he was one of the few males on the show willing to show his face. I really liked his brawling background stories.