Music... Bands that move you

Jeff Beck Group was Led Zeppelin before Led Zeppelin.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say Van Halen is overrated. So is Bon Jovi.

I’ve never heard of them, but I’ll look them up. Gretta van Fleet is the new incarnation of them.

I don’t think Bon Jovi can be called overrated as a rock band. I just don’t see them as that. They are a pop band caricaturing as a rock band.

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Jeff Beck? He was arguably, given his longevity and playing across genres, the greatest rock guitarist of all time.

I didn’t see any of the shows but he reportedly overshadowed Stevie Ray Vaughan when they toured together. And SRV was incredible.

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Beck is God tier… even some of the goats say he’s the goat

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Go to hell ! DLR era VH is top 5 of all time… Bon Jovi though barf


I’m already posting in this forum.


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They’re a band for people who don’t really like music. Same as Oasis.

Each with a couple of super catchy singalongs accessible to the masses and then a whole bunch of derivative trash for people who haven’t got the patience or desire to develop an actual taste in music.

The riffs in DOA and House of Pain > anything ever

I like Oasis… but Bon Jovi is offensively bad

You’re just jumping around the main point.

I’m so sorry to hear that. They should have never graduated from open-mics and pub gigs. The most primitive of rock bands musically, with around half of their riffs stolen from other bands. Lyrically simplistic and meaningless. But then, hearing tunes you’ve mostly heard before with “lads lads lads” sprinkled on top seemed to appeal to lots of people. It doesn’t matter that the brothers are cartoon characters.

EDIT: Sorry for being an elitist dickhead. :smiling_face:

11pm. Summer. Front squats and various overhead pressing alone in the home gym. One of Rome’s darker albums on the headphones makes you contemplate your past and future life choices in a good way.

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Haha… wrong song.

Listen to Swans - Blind. Try not to tear up.

Oasis ? Funny… ever notice that people think an English accent makes people smarter

I know. I was trying to be funny. It didn’t work. Pretend I said it in an English accent.

A Mancunian accent never makes anyone sound smarter though.

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Too high brow… I didn’t get the reference