Multivitamins get some stick,but I stand by them.Even when I started eating clean,I found it hard to get the optimum amount of nutrients.
Note I said OPTIMUM,not the minimum required to function or prevent disease,but to actually function better.
I started taking Centrum,and I almost immediately noticed the effects,I felt sharper at work,less tired,could exercise better,etc.
I switched to Solgar VM-75 about 2 years ago,and it has improved my energy even more,my recovery,my mood,my concentration,skin,hair,etc.
If I forgot to take it,I would feel shitty and unable to focus,even if I was unaware until later I had forgotten to take it,so it is not just a placebo effect.
As for the immune system boost,in the five years I have been taking a multivitamin,i have not had a single infection,i.e. cold,flu,chest infection,NOTHING.
I have not had a single day off work,whereas before I took them,I would get EVERY bug going around and would be off work.This alone makes it a worthwhile investment.
I think it is naive to assume you get everything you need from your diet.It has been proven that vitamins and minerals deplete rapidly in fruit and vegetables,some vitamins are not stored very efficiently in the body,whereas some vitamin pills are designed as ‘time release’ formulas.
The OPTIMUM amount of nutrients for a very active person is FAR MORE than the minimu RDA,and FAR MORE than required by an average person,as exercise depletes the body’s stores and also more antioxidants are needed to fight the free radicals/waste products produced by exercise.
Also other factors such as pollution,how much sunshine you get,etc. affect your requirements.
To those who say pills contain nutrients which compete for absorption,this is true,but many tend to focus on nutrients more likely to be deficient and have less of the other,for example,as most muscleheads know,we don’t take our ZMA with milk,as calcium and zinc compete for absorption.
In many multis though,zinc is often included at a full RDA or more,whereas magnesium is lower and calcium is even lower,often way below RDA,as it is a bulky ingredient more suited to an individual pill.
Many companies (i.e. Myprotein/CNP/Solgar) have a formula designed with 2 pills,or a pill and a capsule,one to be taken in the AM and one in the PM.These formulas have different ingredients at different strengths in each pill,as some nutrients are better absorbed in the morning,and some are better absorbed in the evening.They also avoid the competing of different nutrients.
But I concede they are not a magic bullet,they are more like a little extra back-up.
If I was going to a rough part of town and I had two armed bodyguards escorting me,I would still feel better if my driver had an Uzi under his seat too-he probably won’t need it,but I feel better knowing it’s there,you see what I’m saying?